A Day in the Life

The life and times of a single father out to take over the world with nothing but diapers and empty bottles.

My daily thoughts, rants, and guilt trips. Please remember the thoughts and opinions here are my own, unless of course they aren't.


Thursday, August 30, 2001

OK well long day. Early early morning, got ot leave about 6 am and will be gone till sat as per usual. Oh yea. Ok well bed time.
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:05 PM 3 comments

I read on their web page that Comfort house allways replies to emails within 24 hrs. been 26. So I went and looked. I think they must sort by the subject line so I sent them a new one withthe subject line they like. Also found the email of the president and sent him one also for grins and giggles. It only went down 1/2 as much last night, so I have NO CLUE what the leak thing is all about, just pisses me off when a company says sure its broke buy an other one and we will fix it. Who in there frigging right mind would want 2 air beds?
Anyways, more rock wall awaits me.
posted by Chuck Pierce 1:28 PM 1 comment

Well I am going to get back to work on the stone wall. I took some pics, so Ill pop the up at some point. i am also gonna call my Mommy over at Sis's house and said howdy hi.
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:09 AM 0 comments

"There are places I remember all my life, though some have changed. Some for ever not for better, some have gone and some remain."

Happy birthday Dad. Didn't say it enough when you were here.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:11 AM 7 comments

Wednesday, August 29, 2001

There really are not many shows on TV I like. Most are very old and so forth. The basic prob is I watch tv and see movies to be entertained. Ok now this sounds basic, but its a suprise to most people. I don't want to cry, be sad, be romantic or any of that shit. I want to be entertained. Mash entertains me, is old but I still ove it, Oh and MOM I am ALLWAYS gonna resent that you did not let me stay up to watch the last episode. Anyways, West Wing has the type of writers that entertain me. Wanted to mention that if I hadn't. I guess thats why 98% of all the tv I watch is History chan, or Travel. Used to love discovery but they got to wierd latly. Cept for junkyard wars of course.

Ya know every Wed I spout on about tv don't I. Sad aint it. Hey Gren and Tak, if ya want Ill tape em and send em to you.. breaking 30 odd laws but screw it jail my ass.
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:20 PM 10 comments

Seei f that gets any responce.. should be interesting at least. ok gonna go screw up the beans some more.
posted by Chuck Pierce 4:33 PM 0 comments

Bought a new bed from you guys. Great. Its B/O so it takes a bit longer to come.. ok no problem. It gets here, plug it in, the motor is intermittent on the air blower. So ok since I know electrical I open the blower up, no problem the molex connector has a loose plug. Easy fix and we are all set. Ok so then we try blowing it up. Blower is working now, but it is not blowing up. Ahh might help if we closed the valve. But wait, the valve does not close. Yes the valve is missing the tab that makes it close. Ok fine call and after being sent to the manufacturer they send me a new valve thingy. Great, been 17 days but I can finally stop sleeping on the ground. And yes you guessed it the bed leaks. It is not a horrible leak and I am just barely not touching ground by morning, but it is no way blown up still by morning. Ok fine, so I guess we need a new one sent out. And I am told I have 2 choices, pay you for a new one and you will credit me when the leaky one is returned, or send the leaky one back and wait till you get it for you to send me a new one. Frankly both of these choices suck. I trusted you with my money by purchasing this bed, You sent me one so far that has not had a single part that was not faulty. I trusted you to send me what you were advertising and I have spent 17 nights on the ground waiting for it, and one night almost on the ground. And now you want me to trust you again by either giving you more cash to purchase a second one till you receive the faulty one. Or sleep on the floor and trust you to send me out a new one when you receive my old one and to do it in a speedy manner. Do you actually think I am doing this just so I can get 2 inflatable beds? Why not do what most other manufactures do when they send out crap products and send a replacement and only bill me if you do not receive the return in 30 days. Frankly I think I would rather have this be used as a nice local humor news story on the local TV and go out and buy a new conventional bed I can have here tonight.
posted by Chuck Pierce 4:32 PM 11 comments

So anyways, TFR works till 7 ish tonite so I get to have some R+R. And boy I need it, worked hard out there today real hard. So on my own for dinner. i am cooking a great big fam size can of B+M Baked beans, Maple flavor, cause I have never had em.And some Grands I think. Gonna try to eat it all cause I am hungry and I know I burned alot off today. Just added a major dollup of Garlic to the beans too cause I was feeling to normal. And no I don't really like baked beans, Mom used to force us to eat em sometimes so I sorta equate them with after a long day. Don't know why but I got some the other day and TFR won't touch em so WTF. What else.. Oh wrote a nice letter to the bed people.. here let me paste it in...
posted by Chuck Pierce 4:32 PM 0 comments

Wow want to see a pathetic personal ad???

Hi there! I'm looking for someone who enjoys roadtrips, great live music, and has a sense of adventure. I have two tickets to see Yes in concert with a symphony orchestra in Boston on Friday night, 8/31/2001. I am in search for a "partner in crime" for this adventure. A likely candidate would be a generally happy person, enjoy Yes music. You may be wondering what kind of nut-job would expect a someone to reply to an add to go to an out of town show with a complete stranger. Well, I'm not really a nut job, just a guy who's looking for a cool chick to hang out with and enjoy a cool show. I'm mostly harmless, have a sense of humor, and would rather have someone to share the evening with than go it alone. That doesn't sound so crazy, does it? If you are even mildly interested, or would like to know more about me, then please reply soon. I'd like to pick someone by next Friday. Besides, it would be nice to get to know you (who ever you are) a little bit before the show date. I'm not looking for anything else, by the way, other than a friend to see the show with. In other words, I have no expectations of you and me and the future. However, if I were to hit it off with the right person, that would be fine too. Write soon!

Ok I admit thats just Jacko wanting someone to go to the YES concert with him.. But might as well pulverise his ego while I can. Any takers?? email me quick and Ill put you in touch with him.
posted by Chuck Pierce 4:18 PM 5 comments

Dry stone work is a really rewarding thing to do. I mean it is hot and hard and very tireing but boy it does look good. And if you do it right it lasts for a long long time. Or untill the next frost at least. I think currently I am dieing from heat stroke, but thats probably just cause I am working for once. But anyways, I love dry stone work. It took me a long time to get real good at it, since it is one of the few things I did not learn from my Dad. But I have the analitical mind that is just real good at puting piece's in their places. Ok I know this is boreing, but hey, its my mind rambleing not your so deal with it.
posted by Chuck Pierce 3:21 PM 0 comments

Well working my butt off in the front yard today. Wow hot and heavy work moveing a shovel. But it will look good when I am done and I do get paid, so...
posted by Chuck Pierce 1:44 PM 0 comments

Oh and my bed leaks so I am gonna call and throw a tantrum and make them send me a new one.. other than that it was nice I liked it.. its a slow leak so I was still off the ground this morning, but it was way down from when I went to sleep. And I did sleep well. Now if I can just figure a good way to darken this room I will be a happy camper.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:18 AM 1 comment

"Sometimes ya just got to beat em senceless to get your point accross"
Ok this is gonna be a fun morning. First off I get to tell the Yarmouth postmaster that he is a wanker and that I am reporting him to his superiours... should be fun. Then I get to call and scream about my bed. which leeks. at night. when i am trying to sleep on the fucking thing.
OK the Yarmouth postmaster is really pissed me off. He called the company I do pickups for and told them I was "rushing things" and that I was signing everything M. Mouse.
Well I was to both counts. Eat me you moron. First off call me crazy but ya know I expect them to follow their own sceduall. I am not the one who decided they should open at 8:00 . So wow, frigging shoot me for being sarcastic when they open at 8:15. The normal guy Howard opens up and tosses me my carts about 7:55 but he was on vacation so I was dealing with some braindead lady. Now I have been picking up mail there every weekday basically for 9 years. Same time. Every day. Same company. this is not hard to figure out ya know. So please someone tell me I am not supposed to look amazed when the moron lady who has seen me 3-4 times a week for 9 years says, "oh,um who are you here for?" And funny since all I said was "The same people I was here for yesterday and for the last 9 years" she was able to figure it out... So she actually knew if she bothered to think, she just didn't want to think.
Anyways, I get a full cart to 2 full carts of mail a day. Thats 5-15 or so of those big white bins. It is ALOT of frigging mail. So anyways there are sometimes up to 20-30 registered letters. Now for each of those you have to print your name, sign your name and then put in the address. What a frigging pain. What makes it worse is they are asking me to sign for something I do not even see. The letters are already tossed and buried in the bins and yet they wnat me to say I have recieved them.. So I sign M mouse.been doing it a long ass time. Lord knows it amuses me, not very hard to do, but it does.
Anyways today I am gonna go have a talk with the moron postmaster and tell him to get stuffed. The company does not have a P.O. Box or anything, they have me pick up so the Post Office does not have to send a special truck over. So fuck em, piss me off again with this crap and you can get paid to deliver the god damned mail..
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:17 AM 5 comments

Tuesday, August 28, 2001

Well I am jamming. Got the bike and the bed fixed. So tonite I get to try out the new bed.. Woohoo. Assumeing I can fail to break anything in the next 20 mins. I am to tired to blog. I have had a rough day, the XGF called yasterday and said she had to see me.. so I said fine, then she blew me off and never showed. Biatch. She could have called if something came up. Once again proveing how screwed up her priority scale is, anyways now I AM pissed at her cause she tossed my comforters away. Sigh. Ok screw it I am gonna go steal 1/2 a cig and crash
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:47 PM 0 comments

Hey anyone else noticed the web site being slow? Please post comments.. Cause I think it has been and I want to yell at them.
posted by Chuck Pierce 4:47 PM 1 comment

Well done some serious cleaning. but the place is still a bit messy. Got the tv's moved again, so I have mine in here.. I really like my big TV and the fact I can put a sleep timer on and darken the screen easily.. I like to sleep with the tv on, so I am wierd, like thats a suprise. Well still go to much crap in here but we are makeing progress. Its much easyer for TFR cause he has a whole room, my room is also a liveing room. Ok well I am gonna go run errands now I think. Poof. And a big hi to Wonko the sane.
posted by Chuck Pierce 1:51 PM 6 comments

Well I got my new bike. Woohoo Very cool. I mean it is old and leaks oil from somewhere pretty bad but it can be fixed and made happy. So I am excited still. And of course it was very nice of the Rev Doc, to give it to me. Now I just got to play with it, so add it to insurance and all that. Also got to get my helmet and jacket out of storage.. But I am still jazzed.. Ok back to cleaning.
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:28 AM 0 comments

I guess the old saying is true. You expand to fill the space you are in.. Cause lord knows I did. Cleaning this place is nuts. I should put a pic up of it.. in fact if I get it clean I will. But basically, it is about the size of a 3 car garage (um cause it is a 3 car garage) and I still have it packed wall to wall. Sigh. Ok clean and don't type....
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:45 AM 1 comment

"The early bird get the worm"
Which just goes to show the damn worm should have slept in. Today is a clean and work around here day..It needs it. Lots of organising to do and stuff so that is the plan
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:24 AM 2 comments

Monday, August 27, 2001

Well, interesting night so far. Me and TFR went out shoping for food and stuff. Got piles of food and house crap, nothing exciting just little stuff. Then the XGF called so one problem solved. Dad's birthday is the 30th, so now I can be sure and call or send flowers or something. And we talked about a few other things, short call, but amuseing. Well of thats not fair, she is very unhappy with her family, what a suprise. hehe But I got to ask her some crap that I had on my list on the fridge. Like where all my comforters are, she tosssed em. Sigh. And about car keys and a bunch of dumb other stuff. Tomarrow I am going to go get that form so I can remove her from the car title to and make sure she signs it.

So anyways I was able to ask her about Dad's bday. So that is one mystery solved only a few more in life to go I guess. Boy I miss my comp, but TFR ordered a Imac today so soon he will no longer be useing mine nonstop.. woohoo. He has really been very good, its just a bit of a pain. Ok well I am gonna go play for 5 mins. Poof
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:34 PM 0 comments

Well it is in fact an other day in the universe. And I as usuall have a problem. It is the end of August, so I think with about a 60% chance of being right that is almost my Dad's birthday. Now since he is in fact dead he is not going to be upset if I forget, as per usual. But I have this wierd feeling that Mom might need/want some extra support. Ok now the big problem is I am not sue it is in fact Dad's bday or an old XGF or hell it could be anyones. I have a wonderfull memory for dates or should I say a simple one.. I just don't remember any of them. I got mine down pat and my Moron Bro. I even remember my big Sis usually... Mom's is problomatical, I think its in October, I think. Oh and I am allmost remembering the NGF's cause after so many years of carefully not remembering it I am now almost remembering it. And I do remember the XGF's cause its 5 days before mine.. Allways a handy time for it I thought. I mean if you consider the universe centered around me, which you really must cause anyone who .com's his own name has to do as a prerequisit. Then it is handy to have everyone else's Bday in handy space around it. Anyways I think you can easily see both that my head has a hard time going through doors withthe ego attached, and that I have a problem. Ok in my ever so not humble opionion calling a recent widow and saying "Hey wasn't your husbands birthday around now" is right up there on the really tacky scale.

Now I could just send an email to my Sis and ask her, but thats also a bit tacky. But my other alternative is to call my ex moble date book and phone list... The XGF of course. But that also has a few drawbacks. One being I lost her new number, a fact the GF prob would be happy to know. The other is I really don't want to talk to her much. Then again I would like to get some dishes that she promised me and figure out where every single comforter and blanket went. The nights are getting chilly and I would like a blanket so I had to go buy one. But that leads us back to the issue of I do not have her phone number. So once again I am on the cusp of a dilemma.

Cusp, hmm that might be the word of the day. Anyways, anyone know when my Dad's birthday was feel free to email me.
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:11 PM 2 comments

Ok and last but not least subject for this morning. MOM GET A CLUE.Ok my Mom is in many ways the coolest, but latly she has been glossing over minor things. I will not even MENTION the trying to parralel park, and there was this truck in the way so I just pushed it a bit incident. Nor will I mention she had a hard time finding this place. I mean really, you guys are allowed to sometimes forget my name, but MOTHER...
Sigh. I mean you named me so you should be able to figure it out. But anyways I guess she did find it but did not want to wade through all the junk. Wow thanks mom for the literary slap on the back. Sigh, you would think she would be interested, but she is on a slow modem so...

Well the landlord baby cute as a button that she is is not sleeping through the night. Not fun. I can here her calling out the guard this morning. Been really amazing, were 150 ft tops from a house with a 1 year old and I have probibly heard her 4 times. She really is a great little girl, but they need to work on getting her to sleep through the night. I actually have some ideas on the subject, but after carefull consideration, I think my opionion is probably not really wanted. Ok well time for work. Pooof
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:44 AM 2 comments

I got a new motercycle. WoohOO baby. The Rev, Dr. currently has 3. through a wierd series of purshases and trades, one of them being my old one. Well he just offered to let me have his old one that he bought my old one to replace before he got his new one that was not my old one. That does in fact make sence, barly. But anyways, it needs some major TLC but thats cool. I had figured I was gonna be bikeless for an other year till I got some $ in the bank. So I am actually very excited. Thanks Doc. Mucho Grande or something spaanish sounding that either means nice tits or thanks alot.
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:35 AM 0 comments

So that is why i am up so early, and I actually have a bit of spare time here to get on the comp some. It is tricky haveing only one computer for 2 people. TFR actually has one but it is very old and not worth really hooking up. So I turned multiple users on here and we are shareing. Has not been a major issue cause we are not both going to be here at same time alot for a few weeks. He is now on the market for an Imac. He was thinking on getting an Ibook, and they are nice, but I think he made a good choice decideing to grab a Imac and have a throw away comp in 5 years. Cause if ya pay 4-800 for an imac thats what it is, a toss away when it gets old. But will be nioce to have him have his own again. So anyways that why so little online time from me this weekend. Hard to when mostly not home. Since the part for my bed should come in today (As seen on TV) I Might actually sleep at home more often. I did last night and the couch/bed really is not great.
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:31 AM 0 comments

"To all the girls Ive loved before"
Its a rough morning. Had an exsessive amount to drink last night, but had a good time. And now I am up at an extreamly ungodly hour to goto work. Yes today is the day when the schedual changes. Me and TFR are gonna start doing alot more hours up in auburn and we are gonna be swaping off and all that. The plan is good so hopefully we can make alot of money and not burn out. By swaping off one does a full day up N. The other works for 2.5 hrs in the morn and has the rest of the day off. Lets see how the apllication of all this theory is.
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:25 AM 0 comments

Sunday, August 26, 2001

Well I am fairly drunk, but thats a good thing at times. Went out to eat and had a good time, The IF was very very good and we had fun. Tomarrow im goonna do all day in Auburn working on um well not working. But I am gonna get paid to sorta work. Had a wonderfull time this weekend and did some r+r today. Spent like 24 hrs withthe GF and she didnt try to kill me once. And hell that might be a resord. No we had a great time and evenb had some romantic parts. So now I am gonna try and sleeping on this frigging couch. But hopefully tomarro wmy bed piece will come in and all will be well.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:32 PM 1 comment

"It's a beutifull day in the neighbor hood."
Well me and the GF are going out on a friends boat for the day. The IF is with his dad so were gonna go escape for a few hours. Today is a Chuck Day off, so not gonna do anything else. Tonite TFR is treating me out to dinner cause he has so far failed to learn the one basic tenant in life. Never bet against me unless your sure, cause I usually am. heheh sucks to be TFR. I love a free dinner. Ok told ya not alot of comp time this weekend. Deal with it.
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:36 AM 5 comments

Saturday, August 25, 2001

"And on the 5,6 and 7th day he rested"
Well did an all nighter up in Auburn, passed the mantle to TFR this morning and today I am gonna landscape. Gonna be a busy weekend so ya might as well assume not alot of interesting posts. Sorry.
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:12 AM 0 comments

Friday, August 24, 2001

Well TFR and I are going shoping. For important things like sheets and so forth. Then I think its time to get a local account for him. Going to work at 1 so just a quick Wally World run. Yee haa.
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:36 AM 0 comments

Well I did not get enough sleep. But thats not exatly anything new. I sleept on the couch and since I was directly under a window, and I can't sleep in light. I woke up when it got light. God I hate that. The GF was great last night and even though Jethro Tull aint her bag really we had a good time. It was just such a shame to be in a place that they just referbed a few years ago and has AWESOME sound, Yet the sound guy was a MORON. He had it set for us to be in a huge place with crap speakers. Sigh. We were front row, mid, first balcony. In my opionion perfect seats, but it was overly loud and feeding back. It was a shame, we were right above the sound board, and after one nice squeel I made a comment over the edge, Loudly, but life goes on.
So today were gonna do alot of wierd stuff. Got a bunch of stuff to do like going shoping for sheets and stuff. I only have like 1 pair that I keept. So we need to get some for TFR. We also have to get him a new comp. Cause he is gonna drive me nuts being on mine all the time. Don't get me wrong, the reason this is not a big deal is we are both pretty considerate and usually its no prob. But 1 comp tween two of us is gonna be bad. His comp really needs to be replaced its beyond old and slow at this point.

Ok well I am now going to quietly put the couch back to gether and head out, heheh Should I tell him the alarm is set to go off for 7:30? Naa he will find it. HAHAHAH Ok I am bad but I amuse myself.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:01 AM 0 comments

"wise man dont know what to say, when your thick as a brick"
Well was a awesome concert. Or pretty close to awesome. The band was good. The sound guy was a complete moron. Anyways, more tomarrow morn I hope I am beat and sleeping on the frigging couch.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:18 AM 0 comments

Thursday, August 23, 2001

Well isnt that just wonderfull. My bed came.
And It is very cool, except for one problem. It don't work. First off the fan/compresser didnt spin up. So being me I imiddiatly took it apart. Found the problem, a loose connecter fixed and reassmnled. Ok were fat city now. Bed blows up, is comfy. I am jazzed. So I go to deflate it and I break the valve. Opps. God I feel swift now. Sigh. Ok so I will call em tomarrow and get it fixed. Sigh. What a pain in the ass. Talking about pains, minor ones.. TFR is comeing home a day early. great to see him but I had a date the bastard. Sigh. Ok well food is grilling and the GF should be here any sec. Poof
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:19 PM 8 comments

Back when I was growing up, (don't all good one start like that) I had a Dad who was in many ways nuts. Not that they were in bad ways mind you, but he had this thing for gardening. So anyways, Dad to give him his due was pretty damn good at it. And our home was a veritable designer showcase outside at least. So anyways Dad grew crap. And I mean he grew alot of crap. So in the summer we basiccally became vegitarian. Not because we are/were cookballs who do not understand the meaning of the word omnivore, but because we had all this mostly free food. So anyways I grew up on sweet corn, and lots of it. Blueberries by the gallon and so forth. Hidden in the enjoyment of a big bowl of blueberries and sugar of course is that we were slave labor to pick em. But thats not my point at the moment. Whats I was getting to is when I was down with the Folks for the last time this spring (now it is just Folk) I was pokeing around in the basement. Actually I was smokeing a cig in the basement but you get the idea. And I found Dad's recept book. Every summer he would put a sign out and a box in the garage and people would come buy stuff. Now were talking like .05$ for corn and stuff. Not exactly loads of cash if ya know what I mean. Well I was completly blown away, that little table in the garage did close to 1k a year. More at times. Thats alot of $ 20 years ago. Anyways, I was thinking of this cause I just stoped at a farm stand and the nice old lady sent hubby down to pick me 4 ears of corn on his lawnmower. And I bought 4 ears of corn and 4 decent peppers and it was like $2.20. I allmost cried when I was given my change and just mumbled out it adds up doesnt it, to which she smiled knowingly and said yea it does. The moral to this story is, I think I might have to rush the schedual up a bit and get married so I don't have to go food shoping any more. Its to damn depressing.
posted by Chuck Pierce 3:29 PM 2 comments

Well 2 quick topics. First one is me food shoping. This is just a bad thing. I never spend under 100 and I never really buy anything. I just seem to have a knack at getting lots of things when I go food shoping that are not food. Of course I do not get all non food, but I no longer plan meals. When I was young my Mommy tought me to plan meals in advance. It is a handy thing to do cause you then fail to run out of food. Like I did. Last week. For a whole week. And no one got the hint.
Anyways Mom used to usually know in advance what dinner was gonna be when she stoped to think a min. And I used to be real good at it too, but since life for the last few years has just been whacky I seem to have lost the knack. But I did at least get tonites food, Me and the GF are going to a concert and I am doing dinner here cause its easyer. I got a huge steak and lots of BBQ sauce and it is marinating now. So ill BBQ this steak and all will be well. I actually can cook pretty nicely, but I am just way to lazy. Anyways, this brings me to point #2.
posted by Chuck Pierce 3:16 PM 0 comments

Ok well played on the comp a bit, and now I think I am gonna crash for a few hrs. Absolutly exausted and I dont want to be DOA tonite at the concert. But no sleep last night really and an upset stomach and all that so It is napy time. Sigh the sad part is i dont get more than 8 hrs sleep period. I just can't sleep for 12 hrs like a used to. I need 6 hrs or so or I am unhappy but I can't get over 8. So even though I am takeing a nap in the afternoon, the time will be made up this evening..Sigh. Ok catch ya all later.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:09 PM 0 comments

WOW. Ok well I am screwing myself up bad now. Decided that I am finnally sick of Claris Emailer. Actually I love the ap, what I hate is it has a bug and the database is still growing. Mine is about 30 megs and shows no sign of going anywhere but up. I do clean out my emails now and then, but I think the database never forgets. So I am trying Eudora. Damn its wierd, but I guess I can figure it out. Anywyas, I am gonna leave early this morning, and stop for breackfast. My stomach just aint happy yet.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:00 AM 0 comments

Well spent the last hour cleaning out my email folder and chatting with the LEC. Hmmm I remember what I forgot to do yesterday, damn it and now I cleaned out the car and tossed it too. I was reading as I was driveing the other day an article about how people should not talk on their cell phones while they drive. The fact that I read this while driveing amused me.. But also pissed me off. It is not people should not, it is SOME morons should not. I do not get distracted while talking in the car. I spent 3/4 of my time in the car talking anyways mostly on the radio. For those of you who don't know I am a Ham Radio Operator. So I basically chat with some friends about nothing for hours on end as I drive. Makes the time go by VERY fast. Where was I, oh well anyways, it is not all people it is just some. And usually these are the same people who can walk and chew gum, but they stumble a bit. So I know it is bad but I still believe Darwin was right. Let me kill themselves off hopefully before they reproduce. I know it is unfortunate they they will prob take a few others witht them, but what can you do? Or you can be me, and do my favorite. Scare the shit out of em. I tend to pull in front and slam on the brake and try and make em hit me..Ussually they get the point and hang up. Of course I only do this when they are in the fast lane doing 45 MPH. Great now its 6:10 and I am finally feeling tired again. Sigh.
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:12 AM 0 comments

Someone famous once said "Women, its not thtat we tought them to write, Its that we tought em to speak" This comes to mind when I notice that most of the people who comment on the journal here are fems. Cracks me up, more guys are reading it, but they rarly comment. Call me crazy, but I think its funny. And yes I am still up. Might as well be up for the day now. Sigh. I would complain, but the food was real good and it was free and I was starveing so I guess I wont.
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:16 AM 0 comments

Sigh. Haveing wierd ass dreams. I don't know if anyone else heard it or really cared but Bob Shaffer was on Imus in the morn yesterday. Was telling the story about how when he was young and still a newspaper reporter Kennedy was shot. I should add here that it was 5 years to the day before I was born. Anyways, he was on night then but he hurried down to the office to help, all the reporters had went to Dallas so he was answering phones. He got a call from a lady wanting a ride to dallas, he siad um call a taxi and she said well I think my sun has been arrested. Yea was Mrs Oswald. Anmyways, cool story about how he drove and interviewed her, and then was able to hang around for way to long cause everyone assumed he was suppose to be there.

Well my dream was on those veins cept there was the pallor of me missing my dog. Ya know this really is fucked up I should add right about here. My frigging Dad died on May and ya know I miss my dog more. And I am fairly sure that is not the way it should be. But damn it I miss my dog. Its wierd how in a dream you can have an emotion be like a color that sort of hangs over everything like a colored lens. Hmmm maybe that happens in life also.

Anyways. It is 4am while I am writeing this.. (suprise its wake up and think of doggy time) and RR is down. So I can write this but I can't post it yet. I am also haveing a Coke. "Id like to buy the world a coke and kepp it company" No really the Coke is not to comfort me over my missing love for my dog, no in fact it is to calm my stomach down. I don't drink Coke at night, or hell dureing the day much. And I sure dont drink it at 4 am when I want to go back to sleep. But christ, the Rev Dr. Mike made me a great meal but my stomach is haveing doubts about it. On a heat scale of 1-100 it was prob only a 45, but since I only eat up to about 15 it was a bit much. Oh well it will get over it, the LEC would have loved it though just his cup of tea.

Well I figured I would just rant a bit and RR would comeback up.. But it is still down. So I guess I am going back to be now. Will post this later.
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:02 AM 2 comments

"This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private". Unless of course you get to many of them, cause then private debts have to become public. Or you try to pay your taxes in 1$ bills and then they become no longer legal tender. And funnily enough there is no law that says they have to take your $.
Sometimes I feel like Jimminy Glick. Someone being played by someone else. Course sometimes I feel like a nut and sometimes I don't. Actually I usually don't I tend to like all things female (no nuts).
posted by Chuck Pierce 2:06 AM 0 comments

Wednesday, August 22, 2001

Can someone PLEASE explain to me what the hell is Rugby?
I watched a game of it today and I enjoyed it alot, it was great fun. But I have a feeling if I had understood it alot of the fun would have been missing.
I mean "Sin Bin" whats up with that? But let me make it very clear I do not actually want to know what the rules are. I just have this wierd feeling it would ruin the game for me. But it was fun to watch grown men randomly chase a ball around with like all there energy. In fact the whole concept of rugyby makes about as much sence as a Buddy Lee comercial.
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:20 PM 43 comments

Might I just say that West Wing does have my vote for the best TV show hands down. I do NOT laugh at sitcoms, or damn near anything, but I get a few laughs every time I see a new West Wing.

Well tonite I should get to bed early cause tomarrow me and the GF are going to Jethro Tull. And I am fairly jazzed about it.

And yet an other subject. Hmm lets do a new space.
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:09 PM 3 comments

OK what a day. The NGF left me cash, thanks babe... I got a check in so I am no longer broke.. or wont be after tomarrow. Rev, Dr. Mike gave me food, so I am now going to eat and then watch good tv night. Oh and the little fem won my undieing love by leaveing me a cig too.. Just one. but ahh its so nice to smell.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:49 PM 0 comments

ok things suck. I am going nuts for lack of cigs and still no check. SO. I am gonna go take a walk. Yes exercise, the idea scares me also. I think I am gonna go down to the nice little park.. make that big park on Tuttle rd and go walk where I used to take my doggies. Sigh. Ok lets add soem depresion into the mix.. Hmm where did I store my guns? No really but I am gonna go walk and throw rocks at cute little song birds. So since I am gonna goto work from there, I will see ya all later tonite.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:05 PM 1 comment

BTW I really am not a happy camper. The Rev Dr. Mike says I am in the Bargain stage. Well here is the bargain give me a cig or everyone dies. Sigh. well off to work this afternoon. just got a few hrs to kill till then. So guess Ill play for a bit.
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:02 AM 0 comments

Well folks, please bend over and say real loud "Thank you Microsoft". Yes once again your getting screwed by microsoft. Ok and I should preface this by saying I really am no expert, I only play one on TV. BUT here is what they just did. The latest releases of explorer no longer reconise qiucktime plugins. So you have to use ActiveX controls or of course the Microsoft viewer that sucks so bad no one wants to use it. Now I can see why the idea to goto a new standard is a good one. And it should be better than haveing to use a plugin you have to go dl and then add. BUT here is where I get pissed. The way it was changed EVERY webmaster who uses quicktime now has to go change their code. No one who uses there player has to of course cause it has legacy built in.
Anyways, everyone who looks at the web through microsofts eyes is crazy. And I realise most of you do, but I just want you to know that you are nuts. IU don't care if its faster, It crashes, makes ever page look differnt than how it was made and sucks, Oh and is also insecure, but don't let any of those stop you.
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:00 AM 0 comments

Ok time to be very very scared. last night I did something I have not done in 15 odd years or so (and no jack it wasnt brush my teeth) I did in fact exercise.
I am putting on weight at an alarming rate. I think that I am only a few days from haveing a bigger cup size than the XGF, so I did so situps. If I start slow this should not hurt to bad is the theory and will prob help my back. Think I will go inquire at the YMCA, what I would love to do is swim. But then again I am not gona spend 600$ to swim once a week either. So we shall see how bad it is.
Still no sign of the bed I ordered, the Aero Bed in a Minute (As Seen On TV), but hopefully it will show up today. More imortantly today I should get a check, and man do I need one. Since no one has figured out how to take a not so subtle hint I am Getting real hungry. Oh well I am still breathing and If I was easting I would be gaining more weight. The other thing that is pissing me off about not smokeing is I am breaking out... Like I havnt since high school. Pretty gross.ok well shower time.
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:55 AM 0 comments

"Wasteing away today again in mageretavile"
Prob inaccurate qoute but its in my head and hell it is 4 am. Well only a few more days and I might once again join the human race. I think it is easyer this time than last time.. the non smokeing.. Kinda funny, just had a real long and detailed dream explaining how unfairly I was treated and her note upset me to the XGF's mom. I am talking to dead people again, this can't be good. Oh and congrads to teh Reverend Dr. Mike on the new job. Hope it works out great.
posted by Chuck Pierce 4:10 AM 7 comments

Tuesday, August 21, 2001

Well I am still up. Saw the Mexican, pretty dumb movie but was actually amuseing. ok now I guess I will goto bed. Night all.
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:42 PM 0 comments

Damn well I am loosing my touch. Fell fast asleep and no one brought me food or anything. Bummer. Oh well. I was out like a light to, had 2 calls come in and the phone was in the liveing room and I slept right through em. Oh well they will call me back if it is important. Of course now I am probibly gonna be up all night, but I think I am gonna try to go back to sleep anyways and see what happens. I do have a movie I can watch.. So anyways later all
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:47 PM 0 comments

Some people never learn. If you ask me are you hungry I am gonna say Naa I am fine. But if you bring me a Pizza I will eat it. Talk about subtle hints...
posted by Chuck Pierce 3:14 PM 6 comments

Ya know I can't believe that Stem cell research is still such a big thing in the news. Christ, you would think they were talking about nabing babies in the hospital and choping em in 1/2 to get a cell or something. How the hell and why the hell do you think you should have any say over eggs that you don't own. Didn't come from you. And were being thrown away anyways. Christ you want to bitch, scream at the people tossing them away not the folks who found a good use for em. I don't understand people who think they are morally superiour and able to make decisions for others. Course these same people don't drive the spped limit cause no stupid sign is going to tell them what to do.
Me? I know I am not perfect, and I have enough to do try to figure out where I am going and what I am doing. I don't need the hassle of telling other people what to do also. If you are not impacting others then screw the stupid rules. And anyways, here is a hint, no matter what, Shit happens. You can not save everyone or everything. And you really do need to break eggs to make an omelet. Hmm eggs, damn I am hungry. Sigh.
posted by Chuck Pierce 2:17 PM 0 comments

Well its been a long morning getting my crew of crack designers on it, and then the manufactures lined up, but here we go. Unveiling the latest in fashon here at ChuckPierce.com... Yes you asked for it, you begged for it, Well you deserve it. ChuckPierce.com Merchandise. Be the first one on your block with a "I know ChuckPierce" T shirt. I would add a link here, but I suck at that, so go look on the side bar of the main page. Have fun.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:57 PM 4 comments

Well I had a really good idea for the web page here yesterday. So gonna try to get some work on that done.. Should be amuseing. BTW for the few of you who seemed to miss it and don't get my attitudes on Kink, go look in the Favorite Rants area.. It really is black and white. Not my cup of tea, and I don't really approve. But you didnt ask for my approval and I will defend and so forth your right to do what ever you want when it is in the privacy of your home..
But thanks for the 2-3 who have sent in emails wanting to teach me or whatever.. I am fine thanks for the offer.
Ok well the NGF is being a tad bit strange, but then again I was so drunk when I talked to her last night I could be engaged and have no clue, what a wonderfull way to start off the week.
And for those of you who are about to lecture me on drinking, I do it very rarly and I don't drive period. My dad went his whole life with out getting drunk, sucks to be Dad, sometimes its a good release.
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:52 AM 6 comments

"What we have here is a failure to comunicate"
Well me and the NGF had a hour long talk last night while I staggered around. Think we got most things worked out. We shall see. OK s·ower time and then off to hit the yellow brick road, loveingly called the Maine Turnpike.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:08 AM 6 comments

Monday, August 20, 2001

God damn I feel like a crack addict. I just crawled down to my car and searched it. Thourally and found the jackpot. oh shit I forgot to call the ngf. crap better do this or I woll pay I am sure, and Im to drunk to fight. Ok where is my phone?
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:38 PM 0 comments

"Drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son."
Just assume this is tuesday. And anyone who doesnt get that qoute please see me after class. people trying not to smoke should not drink cause it does not do a good job of supressing thge urge it actually makes it stronger. I just seriously put some thought in to walking/staggering down the road with a flashlight looking for cigs people had tossed out their windows. Got a flashligt and everything I just can't find the door. Ok well safari time, The Search For the Door, that was actually said in caps also...
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:11 PM 0 comments

OK well its gonna be one of those nights. I have decided on the plan for dinner. Notice its 8:15, if anyone was gonna invite me to dinner I am assumeing it woulda happened by now. I must be loosing my touch at hints cause no one caught one tonite.. Anyways. Here we go. the man with the plan. Tonites dinner is Drumroll please, Saltines with peanut butter and a bottle of wine I was saveing to have with the NGF. Oh well we can get more wine once I have cash. But I am in fact going insane so I feel a need to drink heavly. Junkyard wars is a fairly old one, so been there done that. All i got left is clam and corn chowder and I have eaten that for a week. Sigh. ok well see if I can find the computer in an hour...
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:35 PM 4 comments

Its actually sad that I own 2 tv's. One is new and a complete POS. The bitch bought it for me and the XGF for xmass. I keept it though cause my good tv is going on the blink slowly. My good tv is a great big pedistal with speakers on the sides and all that. A real nice Zenith. Very intuitive remote and all that.. Just a great tv. The prob is it is slowly going all red. But since the tv spends 1/2 its time on with the picture off its not a biggy usually. I like to sleep to the tv, and it shuts itself off. Prob is it weighs a TON. Sigh. so now we are moveing it back into the liveing room after moveing it to the bedroom 3 months ago. Sad huh. Oh well.. its My tv, it fallows me around. On that note woohoo, my 2nd fav tv show is on tonite.. Junkyard wars. as I said I am VERY easy to amuse....Off to watch tv...
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:54 PM 0 comments

Well, I am makeing some progress with the hovel here. The basic design is now sound I think. All we are really missing is a decent couch and my blow up bed (as seen on tv) Hmm we could also use a few been bag chairs. I know they are a tad tacky, but this place is DEFINATLY getting the collage dorm room look. Mostly all by its self too. I just am a collage dorm room type of guy. I think the next thing we need is a litle spin thingy I can hang over the Lava Lamp and it will sit and spin. I really am easy to entertain.

posted by Chuck Pierce 7:49 PM 6 comments

Woohoo I went couch shopping. Didn't buy one, but I decided on one I really liked. I have no food but I am seriously thinking about paying 1k for a couch. This does make sence right?
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:21 PM 11 comments

Well gonna go get some furnature from the barn and redo this place for when TFR shows up for good... He is gonna go spend a few days with his folks first..So I am outa here.. damn I want a cig...
posted by Chuck Pierce 3:07 PM 0 comments

Well just had a very nice lunch with TFR. He completly cracked me up though. Was trying to explain why the NGF was mad at me/ I was mad at/ someone is mad at someone. Anyways, it was a riot, he gave me a "Well when I had this problem this is what I did". Ok now this sounds complelty normal till you consider TFR has about the same experiance with women as I do with say a kangaroo. In that I think I saw one once in a zoo and I could prob reconise one if it bought me a beer. Well thats about how much exp he has with women. Needless to say I have no clue what he said I was laughing so hard I forgot to listen.
But I am sure that 50-99% of the prob with the NGF right now is my fault. My communications skills have not been good latly. And of course I am like 300 minutes over on my cell phone this month. Since it is my only phone it got used alot apartment hunting. So I am gonna just not call her till it resets.. I think its today or tomarrow... And since she didnt respond to my email I am assuming she is mad at me. Oh well I have great faith in it working out. Its kinda handy to fight with someone ya really care for, cause ya know it will work out in the long run. Oh and no patch or cigs yet.. sigh but it is getting harder. Sigh I hate this crap.
posted by Chuck Pierce 2:54 PM 12 comments

A few weeks ago I went out to goto work and had a flat tire. Now this pissed me off, cause I have very expensive and almost new tires on the car. Good ol Good-year Aquatreads. But ok flats happen so I went down to get it fixed. Well. the tire was defective. It had a bubble in the side of it. Ok fine, replace the damn thing. Well they didn't have one. Not like I drive a weird car or anything I mean a Ford Taurus is about as common as you can get, but ok order one. So since they don't have one they throw a tire that is one size too big on. NBD but screws up the handling. Well the few days became a few weeks and I called and they said opps so forth and we will call you in a few days. Ok so Friday I was pissed. Been 3 weeks and over 5000 miles I wanted a damn tire. So Friday I call and happen to get the manager on the phone and nicely ask him if I wanted a whole new set of aquatreads for my Ford Taurus and they were not is stock how long to get them in? He says oh we can get them the same day if we need them. So then I stop being nice and explode and tell them I will be there at 11:am on Monday and they better have the new tire or they will be giving me the $ so I can go elsewhere. What a suprise, they tire was there this morning. So now I have 4 matching tires on my car again. WooHoo.

I hate businesses who operate like that, For a paying customer with cash in hand they can do anything. For someone with warranty work its a few days, so sorry. So needless to say, I am getting the tires rotated and balanced every 3 weeks till they wear out then I will be going elsewhere. 3 weeks is about 5k miles so it works about right. I go through lots of tires, pissing me off was not a great idea. And they even have a new website. www.haleystire.com Christ the LEC could make better in under 5 mins... Oh and the picture is a fake. The real place is a dump.

Well the TFR is all most here so I am gonna make him take me to lunch.. hmm if I am not in fact having a heart attack. Wow only I would write it instead of calling 911. heheh Naa I think its just NICOTINE withdrawl kicking in. been what 2 hrs since I took the patch off. Sigh. This is not gonna be fun....
posted by Chuck Pierce 1:25 PM 2 comments

I have also decided that my poor bus partner needs his own abreviation. So hence forth he will be refered to as LEC.
Since this is completly obvouse what it stands for I will not bother you with it. What? you don't get it? sigh...LEC=Lemming Evolutionary Chairman. For repeatedly jumping off cliffs on the assumption this time he might learn to fly.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:27 PM 0 comments

BTW I took the patch off about 10 mins ago. lets see how long before I need to put a new one on, gop buy cigs, or get sent to jail for something.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:19 PM 0 comments

"The further we go away, the closer we get"
Well long mornign so far. but finally got the new tire on my car, Ill post that whole nightmare later. No news from the NGF, she might actually be waiting for me to talk to her, but I sent her an email for this morn and I have to many other things to do. I guess she had a valid reason to be mad, but so do I. So I guess if I was smart Id just send her flowers, but I am broke and still to nasty to be nice so instead I am gonna clean my hovel. TFR is stoping by to drop off stuff and go to his folks for a few days, so I got to get this place cleaned. (TFR is The Frigging Roommate). Right now I am haveing a most amusing conversation with the Lemming about long distance travel and getting laid when you get there. But we are tastefully have a conversation that doesnt exist. Cause I dont want to know so we are talking baseball with wierd stuff in the middle.. sounds stupid, and is, but is a riot to read...stuff like "naa they lost last 3 games, and if you flew all the way over here and did not get laid you are the bigest morin I know, but if they can catch up with yankees they might have a chance but they wont." Sigh dont take much to amuse me... Oh well cleaning time
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:52 AM 0 comments

Sunday, August 19, 2001

What an amazing week. The more I clean the worse my apartment gets. It looks like abomb went off in here. I really need to hire a maid. But since we are talking like 350 sq feet its a little silly.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:46 PM 0 comments

Ah HA found the perfect dinner. SPAM. You should allways keep a can ready just for such emergancies. Very important stuff Spam. The amount of things you can do with it are amazing.
You can stick a wick in it and burn for light.
Use to grease noisy door hinges.
Can be put under heavy objects to help them move.
Does a very nice job as an anti rusting coating.
Really confuses the police if you chuck a piece into a crime scene.
Can confuse the enemy when thrown like a grenade.
Makes a wonderfull temporary muffler clamp.
And of course when you get really desperate you can eat it.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:04 PM 0 comments

Well had a good day blasting around caco bay. The boat was flawless and John was only mildly annoying so all went well. I am tired enough I hope to sleep and hungry enough I hope to eat. Gren is on his way back to the UK with I hope mission fulfilled and all that. Hope he had fun, but he is still an idiot.
Other than that was a nice decompresion day, after putting in 30+ hours yesterday and friday instead of 24 I was in major need.OK well time to crank the tunes and try to figure out what to eat.. Not alot edable here, and no cash so its gonna be one of my fun conglomerations again.
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:33 PM 0 comments

Well I got a good 3-4 hours of sleep. Kinda looking forward to spending the day out on the boat, I will probibly go insane. But luckly I will be withthe worlds 2nd most annoying person, so tween the 2 of us we should have fun.
Well my partner, the one with the head empty enough to swing a cat in is back in the US for the weekend. I really wish him all the luck in the world withthe new latest and improved love of his life. Course I have been proveing how much I care by sending emails to his phone every time I get near a computer saying things like "sex is bad" "Just say no to sex" and so forth. Even if he is not amused, I am.heheh. I am useing a 14mg patch and I think it is to much. I think the 7mg woulld prob work, but they are like 30$ and I am broke so I guess I will muddle through till wed. Still feeling really dumb for rning out of cash this week. But at least it was my fault, not the XGF just emptying my wallet.. Later all
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:42 AM 0 comments

I should not make posts at 1:45 am while in a nicotine and sugar induced haze. hope today is interesting.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:56 AM 5 comments

"Take you to strange new lands to meet strange new people and then kill them all"
Tonite allmost matched that, Jacko tought it would be good for me to go meet some new people he knew. It was interesting and i think I sucseded in being strange enough to spook the women. Call me crazy but the last thing I need right now is an other fem. The NGF went nutso again on friday, sent me like 10 emails getting more and more mad till she finally realised that I was being wierd cause I am not smokeing. And thay can be directly blamed to her, so, no sympathy. She stole a cig from me the other night, its her life and her choices and all that but Ill be damned if I am gonna enable her to start smokeing when she has a 5 year old. So I am quiting again. Course she then got mad cause I am not gona see her tomarrrow, pretty dumb thing to get mad about. Ok yes the IF wil be very disaponted. And i am sure the rest of the family will be too, but If she would just listen to the fact that I am REALLY nasty right now she would know to stay away. So instead of going to a lobster bake, and of course I hate lobster, I am going to spend the day with the 2nd most annoying person in the world...And she actuall;y still is under the impresion I am doing it to get even with her or something. Ok now I know she has a completly legitamet grip about my communication skills recently, but man, timeing is as they say everything, and she REALLy has to learn that.

So anyways amuseing weekend so far, tomarrow is gonna suck bad, but I will I hope hate it enough to enjoy it. People who say I want to be around you even when you are in a withdrawl induced bad mood, really need to consider whom is doing whom the favor. I don't want to be around loved ones when I growl at everything. much rather be around people who can handle it like someone who is so used to pissing people off he doesnt notice when I am already.

And last but not least I need some time off. Its not allways easy, and haveing someone else to be with whne the XGF doesnt is hard at times, I really do guilt well.
posted by Chuck Pierce 1:46 AM 20 comments

Saturday, August 18, 2001

The day I understand women, please shoot me.

Well worked 30+ hours straight, complete going nuts. The NGF went nuts and then I guess read and realised the reason I am being wierd is Im not smokeing.. she prob shoulda read first, but I am not mad really. Im just takeing a weekend off form reality. Hoping in the shower and then going to aparty where I know allmost everyone should be fun. Get to piss off a whole new group of people. Poof
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:18 PM 5 comments

Friday, August 17, 2001

Well I am off to go work for the weekend. Think I might actually turn off my phone and just be peacefull and quiet. Gonna do my laundry and other real fun things too. Sigh

So anyways no posts till sat night. Enjoy your end of the week folks. Mine I am sure is gonna suck, but I guess I really do need to quit smoking and if I can lower the stress levels a bit then I might be able to. Have fun all.
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:52 AM 3 comments

Women amuse me. The NGF just sent me an email this morning saying she is a tad upset with me. I guess she wants a tad bit more attention. She choose a very novel and interesting way of getting the point accross though. Very clean and informative with no anger or nasty stuff inside. So any ways, 50 pts to her for doing such a good job getting the point accross. 75 pts for being so understanding and supportive. And minus 150 pts for doing it 12 hours after I stoped smoking. Right now I need stress from her like I need an other hole in my head. So I have developed a plan for the weekend. Im gonna have a Chuck weekend. Instead of going to a lobster bake with her sunday I am either gonna go out in the boat or go fishing or something like that. Instead of takeing her out sat night or going over to see her I am gonna go out with my friends and get good and drunk. Notice I should add this plan change is in no way to punish her for adding to my stress levels, but just an acknowledgemnt that I need to unwind.
The punishment for adding to my stress so wondefully is going to be me not dealing with this till after I get over this constant nic fit. Ya know, it really is not a great idea to annoy the person voted most likely to bring an AK-47 into shopping mall 3 years running when he has just quit smokeing. So rather than get into a great big fight and say crap I am gonna regret later I am sure. I'm just gonna ignore the issue till next week. Anyways, so please don't bother to tell me that this is the wrong way to handle this, cause I already know it. But just trust me when I say right now I am not really a very nice person and this is the best of all the bad choices. But she does deserve kudos for telling me to f off so nicely, it really was well done.
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:37 AM 2 comments

God I hate waiting. I really try in my life to not make people wait on me, but today I failed miserably. Its 7:15 and I am sitting here waiting for the clock to turn to 7:30. So I am in fact waiting on mysleft, sorta. Well I tried to stick the patch I only used for a few hours yesterday back on, but no dice. so I guess I will have to use a new one. These things are expensive so I really hate to waste one by only useing it for 3-4 hours. But oh well. I think I will even put on on now rather than wait till I am going nuts, but then the damn things make me nuts. I get really wired up. ok well screw it... I might as well sit and wait at the post office than here.. Or I can spend the last 10$ on gas, hopefully enough to get me to NH and back this morning. I really should be able to remember to budget at this point in my life, i feel like such a moron for draining th ebank account a week before I get a check in. Ok well Poof, off to fight the frigging out of state morons for the road. Thats the prob with fridays, there are just so many of them and they complety forget how to drive.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:27 AM 0 comments

Yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away, now it looks as though they are here to stay.
Well the nicotine patch lasted till about midnight. But my arm was cramping, my neck, basically every muscle on that side of my body so I ripped the damn thing off.
Well today my partner starts out on a new grand adventure. He has a new love and he is going to go and see her for the weekend. I have previously discussed how I am fairly sure there is romm to swing a cat inside his head, So I will spare him and just say I wish him all the luck in the world. Frankly I still think he is like a lemming saying its only a practice jump, but I have made a firm desision to stand by his choices. No matter how frigging stupid they are... So anyways, assuming the plane does not crash, and imagration did not get the email I sent them about him he should be in the states for the weekend.
Well doing good. been up for 20 mins and have so far failed to either scramble desperatly for the patch or to delve into the ashtray can on th eporch for a 1/2 smoked cig. Hmm prob should not have said that...Well 22 minutes by my watch, sigh but I only had 2 puffs off the end of one. I have real mixed feelings on the cig companies.. Yes they are absolutly incredably addictive. And yes I am sure they try hard to keep them that way. But they did not hold a gun to my head, so I think even in todays world of "blame everyone else but yourself" I think I share some of the blame. Sigh. gonna be a LONG weekend.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:01 AM 1 comment

Thursday, August 16, 2001

Well I kinda quit smokeing again. not that I really wanted to, but I ran out of cigs. Oh and out of cash too. I am mega broke this week cause I way overspent buying a stupid new playtoy that I really like so I am refuseing to return. So anyways I am out of cigs, and yes I know I need to quit. But this has been a tad bit stressfull latly so I have not been worrying about it. But since I have no cash I guess I am quiting. Luckly I actually have some patches here. From the last time I tried to quit and stoped takeing patches after 2-3 days. hmm ya think they say do the patches for 2 weeks on purpose? well I have enough for a week. So lets give the old collage try and see if I can kick these damn things. Sigh. Be warned that banal words of encoragment might lead to me slicing your car tires at 4 am when I am out aimlessly roaming the streets.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:47 PM 0 comments

Today were gonna touch on operating systems.
I commonly make disparaging remarks about pc’s. But in fact I guess my hatred is not towards Pc’s but towards microsoft. Why oh who do we accept software for our computers from them.
Well I make an effort not to, but today I fired up outlook cause a friend wanted to send me an attachment in it. Ok now my basic problem with microsoft products has been said many times, but I will touch on it again. First off they are memory hogs. Second they are unreliable. Third they are insecure. Forth they expect you to actually pay for them.

Why do we allow and in fact pay money for products they are absolute pieces of shit. This is really not even a Mac against microsoft issue, the products by them selves just plain suck.
Why do allow a company to make products that have bugs a 2nd year programmer knows how to avoid. The fact that a operating system designed for your computer has buffer overruns in the final product is mind boggling. Checking for buffer overruns is basically childs play at this point, you can even get a program to check your code just for it.
If you are running a computer with windows on it then you are insecure. Period. There is absolutely no way that anyone has demonstrated to me yet to make it secure short of cutting the power cord. I don’t care how long you went to school and trained, nor how many days you spend tweaking your system, if you are attached to the “net” using any microsoft operating system you are insecure. Period. Will you get hacked? probably not, but if you use your computer at all you will almost certainly at some point pick up a virus. Why? because the software is insecure, the operating system is insecure, and the applications are full of holes.
Every few months someone comes up with a sure fire way to make your pc secure, and so far every time it has failed the stress test. The fact that people gladly pay for a computer that will spend 1/8th of its life time having to be fixed boggles my puny mind. And WHY you would even consider using them in a company scares me. If your companies phone system was down as often as the computers you would go back to string and a tin can. Today I am mad cause my system, which has been completely stable for 3 months. No crashes, no problems, and on 24/7 crashed today. And it crashed cause outlook got an email and tried to grab control over the sound to play a dumb ass beep. But since the sound was being used playing mp3s if hard crashed my whole system. I am so sick of people saying they use microsoft because it is the standard. Well here is hint folks, the Ford Escort was the best selling car of the year for like 6 years in a row. Look around, how many are still running. The best trick Bill Gates ever pulled was not in stealing the GUI from apple, but in convincing the world that bad software is acceptable. To continue the car analogy, if your car ran on microsoft, it would need a 15ft trailer to hold the gas, could be stolen by someone 9000 miles away, and there would be a garage to fix it on EVERY street corner. Oh and it would cost 5 times as much. Oh and if the type on this page looks large and ugly to you, then don’t use explorer. It allone interprets a font size 4 as a font size 6.

So not an exciting rant, in fact its not even a rant, its just sadness. Why accept software that you know is faulty just because your neighbor uses it. And I swear the first person to make a comment about this saying microsoft products work for them, I will get your ip from the logs and god help me crash your system for you.
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:14 PM 2 comments

Well I have done some cleaning, and watched a few epesodes of MASH. Hmm what else... oh added to a few of the pages on here and basically screwed around. Such fun. now I think i will hop on Clan Lord for a bit and get some real r and r
posted by Chuck Pierce 4:21 PM 0 comments

A poem for a friend...

You're here,
So amble and amble on,
Strip your mind of reason
to limit yourself no trifling treason
When nothing is everything and everything all
hear the resounding echoes call
To the desperate faces of places forgotten,
past sinew webs which visions are cought in.
Free to explore the diffused of confusion,
see the night and touch the illusion.
The silent screams and piercing sighs
slip and trip over frostbitten ice.
Forward progress of back-sided feet
Were here
and free to play in the street

A poem for an old friend I hav'nt talked to for a long long time.. Not gonna post the author, cause they are a tad obscure (hehe)
posted by Chuck Pierce 1:22 PM 0 comments

Well I am defanatly in cleaning mode. I know have pictures up of the whole family except my moron brother.. Even have one of my sister bungy jumping, and that just aint right I might add. I am all for the guys this summer jumping out of an airplane, I can get behind doing it once. But ther eis no way you are attaching a bunjy cord to my legs and pushing me off something. Call me not insane if you must, but it is just not gonna happen. I really do have some great pics though. On that note, here is an interesting thought, in all the pics I have of me, and my sister... we are both looking at the camera and makeing an attempt to smile. In fact add Mom to that also.. Yet a pic of Dad smiling is rare as hens teeth. Just amuses me so many people were I guess never tought to smile when someone points a camera at them. I of course being the rebel I am usually stick up my middle finger too, but thats just me. Not that there are not pics taken when I was not paying attention, but they are rare. I know Jacko got one in NYC but he had to work for it. Anyways, the place is begining to look more like a home than a hovel.Once I get it all cleaned up I will maybe have Boydo do a QTVR of it so you all can see it too. Then again you probibly don't care.
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:34 AM 11 comments

Well morning drive over, now I have alot of important things to do today. First off is a splinter in my hand I got to remove. then I think I might clean up a bit and then gracefully move into a nap. Or I might get off my but and work on the page.. First though I got to get this damn splinter out.
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:54 AM 0 comments

Will ya still need me, Will ya still feed me, When I'm 64.

Well once again woken up way to early by the construction behind the house. Why is it that construction people feel this major need to start work at 5 am? It makes great sence I am sure, prob they want to miss the heat of the day or something...but man it is annoying. A road for a small development is being put in behind the house and Hovel Cental here, not reall behind more to the side, but it is still loud and noisy. Woke up to my plant shakeing on top of the vcr...Oh and I will have you know I am currently almost clean shaven.. left my chin just to be different. Think maybe it is time I did the shaveing every day thing for a few years. Well time to head for work. I know I only work 2.5 hours in the morning, but remember it is 150 miles of driveing. And it is probably the most dangerous job out there...
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:25 AM 0 comments

Wednesday, August 15, 2001

I think the whole concept of a comforting cup of tea is very flawed. Or then again, maybe I should not add 1/3 a cup of sugar to it. hehe. Finally got around to sending out an email to everyone telling em my new email address, course I started to do em one at a time again, and once again said screw it and just dumped the whole list on. So somewhere in a small shack in Montana there could well be person consumed by his own rage at the estableshment who recieveing my email by accident, finally looses his grip on reality and starts to make exploseve devices. Comforting thought huh? Oh and he doesnt take American Express. Had a feeling I was in the middle of a Visa comercial for a second there...Ok well here we go with an attempt to sleep for a few hours.. Prob not gonna happen cause I took a couple hour nap at work this afternoon.
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:05 PM 0 comments

Ok here is a dumb ass thing to feel bad about, I called the NGF and said I would talk tomarrow. I now am feeling guilty for not telling her about the day.I went through a HUGE box of pictures today chooseing the ones I wanted to keep. And of course drawing mustaches on the Bitch whenever she was in a pic. Yes that was a joke, let her keep her memories I am sure that at one point she was a human being. But anyways looked through 11 years of pictures, oh yea there is a good pick me up. Anyways I know have a whole pile of pictures I need to do something with. Why do I keep thinking of bonefires... No I think memories are good in moderation, but I got to work on not dwelling on this crap. But its gets better a little bit, day by day. And I can't help but think it could have been worse, we could have gotten married and then had the bitch screw up my life worse.
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:50 PM 0 comments

Sitting down to watch West Wing. One of the very few tv shows I like. Not helping alot though. I am still wound up like a spring. Should talk to the NGF about all this, but I am sick of dumping all this XGF crap on her. I know she would gladly hear it but I think I want to concentrate the time I have with her on the future not the past. Anyways, drugs are good. And I need a cig.
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:23 PM 7 comments

tell myself that the reason I am ok with this crap is because I never really let myself love the XGF cause I always knew her family was in the way (or the bitch at least). But I think actually I did love her more than I thought I did, cause I was the ONLY one of the group of people loosely classified as her “loved ones” who only wanted what was best for her. Lord knows her daughter thinks of nothing but herself, But I at least when she decided her “family” came first I walked away. And I think the only mistake I made was in walking and not running as fast as I could.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:55 PM 0 comments

Now comes to me being bad. Ok I am basically a very nosey person. acceptance of that will save you many hours of anguish. So being me and having the morals of a small dead animal I read the letter for the XGF also. And it steamed me right up. The parts in it about me are full of “I really only want your happiness and I have accepted your decision.” but what really blows my mind is this bit concerning the bitch and I quote again ” I think you should really make her your first priority-above anyone else...don’t let ANYONE spoil it.” The one reason why me and the XGF had 0 chance of getting back together is I have said since the day I was told I could not be her first priority she had to take care of her dad even after the way he had just treated us, that I will NEVER be 8-9th on some ones priority scale again. I can see and completely understand small children having to come first, a sick parent, and so forth. But I strongly believe that for a relationship to work the two people have to make each other a priority, or they stand no chance. But I guess I should thank her for “accepting her decision” to stay with me. I was I know so bad for her for all those years, I only supported her and gave her a happy home. But anyway, I think I will end this big ass rave with these final thoughts.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:53 PM 0 comments

What I guess bothers me most are 2 other things. One being the last sentence in the letter and the other being in the XGF’s letter. The last sentence tells me to keep in close touch with the rest of the family no matter what happens. Wow. Now I frankly am scared to talk with her father. After the way that I was treated by him considering how much I used to respect him I can not be sure I will contain myself. I so much want to explain how much he fucked up my life, his, and the XGF, But I also know that explaining stuff like that is akin to teaching pigs to sing. And I am sure the bitch would say they are better off. HAHA isn’t that a joke, not that I am perfect, but we had our lives organized so we could give 24 hr care to the bitches grandfather, and now that is not gonna happen unless they hire someone. I also want to tell him how much I was looking forward to spending time with him, the basic prob was I really liked the guy. But anyway, the question is do I disregard the last wishes of someone cause of the way I was treated after she was long dead.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:48 PM 0 comments

Now this was written in 96 me and the XGF had been living together about 6 years at this point. Does this sound like lots of encouragement to you? Now let me make it VERY VERY VERY clear once again the only reason we broke up was because of her family. So, now the XGF is basically a maid, nanny and driver for her father, and resents it. Has the daughter from hell down in Boston, who is so controlling it makes Ginghas Kahn look like a Girl scout Cookie sales girl. Who made it her life work up till now to separate me and the XGF so her mother would only have her in her life. And is so unhappy she cries herself to sleep every night. I try hard not to feel sorry for her, cause she made her own choices, but after the way I was treated I would trade the whole family in for a York Peppermint patty and a warm Coke. Frankly the fact that WE didn’t grenade ourselves but were in fact broken up by the same family she want me to remind her she will always have makes me see red. The XGF had many many problems and should I am sure be under counseling and on strong medication, but that being said after 11 years with her I can be very safe in assuring you all that her “family” is the root of all of her problems.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:48 PM 0 comments

Today I got a letter from someone who has been dead for a few years. Seriously. Weird huh. The XGF’s Mom passed on a few years ago. This weekend when we were doing the great split up I was told that she had left me a letter. Now I never knew about this, why she kept it a secret from me I really do not know. And yes I am pissed about it. I was not overly close to her mother, not that I was not always polite and so forth, but the bitch had asked/told me to stay away from her family and I always tried too. It always in fact amused me, that they thought I was stand offish for a few years when actually I was just doing as I had been told to. So anyway, she wrote me a letter before she died. From the date on it I actually think it was on the occurrence of one of her close calls a year or so before she actually died. Anyway it was dated Oct 23 1996, and was sealed and all that. Frankly the letter pisses me off immeasurably, but I do understand it.She says and I quote “I don’t know that you and (the XGF) will stay together or not, but whatever happens, please give her the love and respect she deserves. She will always have her family- Please tell her this if you two decide not to be together.”
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:47 PM 1 comment

Big ass multy part post cominging in a bit.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:37 PM 0 comments

Well made some changes. Redid the front page, not sure if I like it yet or not...
Added alot of stuff to the journal info page. and a tad bit to about me.
Ok well off to go put a few hours of work in.. Later on folks.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:53 PM 2 comments

Ahh the little things in life that make it so much nicer. Like a toilet that flushes. Mine is in fact finally fixed. About time, but it's done so I guess I should not complain. Got a great idea for the page to day, once I get it worked out and uploaded I will tell ya all. But for now alas porr yorick I must go slave over golive.
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:12 AM 0 comments

Those who can't do teach. Those who can't teach teach gym.
I am old and tired this morning, but least I am alive I guesss, though that is a subjective question I really wont be able to answer for 30 mins or so. Off down the yellow brick road.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:28 AM 32 comments

Tuesday, August 14, 2001

Great night for a boat ride.. We had a blast.

The water was warmed than the air and fun was had by all. Course there were a few small problems. like um. Put the boat in the water and relised we had no drain plug. opps.

Went and bought a plug, then found out the battery was toast, Oppps

Got a battery and went out then relised we had no flashlight, Opps

HAd great fun got lost cause soem moron forgot the gps, Opps

Then left and went home and john relised he had left his shoes on the dock, Opps

I got pulled over for doing 53 in a 35 on the way home, Opps

But i greased the cop so no ticket so it was after all a good day.
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:12 PM 0 comments

Oh cool, Well I am off to go play on the boat. Gonna go screw around on Sebago lake with the 2nd most annoying person in the world but we will have fun. Enjoy the day it is a nice one. Poof.
posted by Chuck Pierce 4:11 PM 0 comments

Bilingual labels.

WTF is up with these labels now adays. Ok I can understand why a company feels a need to print one label and cover like 313 contries and lunguages but frankly I am sick of it. OK so they don't need to wharehouse more than one type of whatever they sell. But jesus, I don't WANT to have a 14 page book of instructions and find only one page readable.
It in fact could be said that I am a language snob. I do not understand the attraction of going places where you can't speek the language or for that matter haveing to deal with people here who can't. I don't go invade your contry and stand in the sidewalk trying to figure out if I am in front of a resturant or a factory to make laundry detergent. For that matter what about these emigrants now adays
Emigrants just arnt what they used to be. Why do you go quite a bit out of your way to come here and live. You have left your country of your birth, and after toiling and so forth made your way here. So I have to ask what makes you think you don't have to learn English. I mean really, Ok I am not even discussing the folks who cross the border illigally. The concept of haveing to make the schools bilingual blows my mind. No one I am sure would dare to debate with me that alot of people who started school speaking only their native spanish, italian, greek or whatever turned into some of the leaders in our society. Ok for example, My mother is a emigrant. She came over here and had to learn our ways and luanguage. Do you think the goverment even offered her a translator? Or english classes for free? NO of course not she had to buckle down and get by. Knowing no one but a distant cousin she learned to speak like us with only a mild accent and to intergrate her self productivly into our society. Eventually became a citizen the hard way and then married and settled down. Now since the death of my father she has taken over the roles they both did of paying bilss and house repairs and so forth. She is seemlessly a part of her comunity and except for the accent and her funny taste in clothes you would not know she was not a native born american. In fact she soon will be going back to her home country for a vacation takeing a friend who Mom I am sure will be translating for. Anyways, the rant petered out I am afraid, so oh well. Oh and since you ask, Mom came from Devon. Down near the south of a country called England.
posted by Chuck Pierce 4:06 PM 60 comments

Wow, I can't sit still. Just occured to me that I had two huge glasses on red zinger with about 1/4 cup of sugar in each. No wonder I am so wired. Crap I guess I am gonna have to clean more.
posted by Chuck Pierce 3:32 PM 0 comments

Well run out of steam cleaning so I am gonna have my last thing of popcorn and watch nothern exposure.
posted by Chuck Pierce 2:16 PM 0 comments

Ok were shutting down the Computer here at Hovel Central. Gonna clean behind it and move it around a bit. So poof.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:37 PM 0 comments

Ya know the group Styx does not get the credit it deserves for its musack. I know they are all prob dead or something, but it really was some good musack. Got a whole album and i actually like all the songs on it, and that is very rare for me.. anyways, cleaning furiously so back at it.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:32 PM 1 comment

Well, I have rejoined the human race. Isnt that just special? Finnaly got my hair cut and I think I might even shave. Just relised I over spent this week, like thats a suprise, but the car did need work so I guess I will eat bread and water for the rest of the week. No probs. Thought I had a few hundred more in the bank than I did, oh well.

Well no plans for today but to clean up the hovel. Its pretty trashed so I guess it is time. Gonna crank the tunes and heck I might even break out the vacume.. be scared be very scared...
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:40 AM 6 comments

Climate is what you expect, Weather is what you get.
Its to early in the morning to get this philisophacal wow or to spell I see
posted by Chuck Pierce 4:09 AM 0 comments

Monday, August 13, 2001

Corn chowda does NOT taste beeter on the way up than the way down.. (Got chowda burps..) Words to live by.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:47 PM 0 comments

My family. I like my family in most ways. They stay out of my life and don't call to whine that the cat has gotten into the birdfeeder again or dumb shit like that. Course it helps that they are sorta droping like flies. Welll 5 minus one equals 4 so the number is definatly going down.. HAHA here is an amuseing bit. ok years ago Dad cut off Moms hand with a circular saw, ok minor opps, but he did say he was sorry. And she got like 99% use back after they sewed it back on. ok so that isnt funny, but here is the funny bit, this spring my Brother cut off his own hand with a circular saw. Ok now that takes skill... ok now dont flinch it will only hurt a sec, ROOOOWWOORR. No I think he did it by accadent but it is a really dumb ass thing to do know matter how you figure it. So anyways, as the sole survivors with extremities intact, me and my sis have to take it carefull. And the funny thing is she just bought a new house that is a very old new house. So lots of saw work coming up I am sure... well ok it amused me at least. Considering that I used up about 7 lives before I was 18 I should keep my mouth shut. Anyways, out of all my family (count to 4 real good I do) it is amuseing the only one who I really feel no need to spend time with is my moron Brother who lives like 15 miles away. My Sis and Mom who I do actually like live like (like wow man, good use of the word like) a long ways away. But that is life.. Like its my fault they want to live where it is so damn hot. Yea ok so they dont really have a winter there, but so what winter makes it interesting. And ya know, some one please explain to me.. .People say, but we have air conditioning so you don't notice the heat. Well I have heat so what the fucks your point? That line allways bugged me. HEHE talk about annoying lines, and blame MOM for this one, allfully hard when a minister says "so sorry for your loss" and all you can think is " yea was careless of me, but he should turn up eventually". Sigh made it hard to keep a straigt face at times after dad died.
Ok the car is done, I am grubby and I am gonna take a shower and crash. Hm wonder if I can take my lightnight thingy in the shower with me? think its waterproof???
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:35 PM 0 comments

Time is just on my mind today. Been 4 months and a bit since Dad died, and I am still a tad bit pissed about it. I do guilt very well, usually only to myself but I do a good job of it non the less. And I feel guilty for many things, most of wich are really damn dumb. I feel guilty cause after basically not leaveing the house for week si decided since he had such a good night I would go have some fun for a few hours. In hindsight he had such a ggod night cause he was so close, but, I missed it. So anyways I was not home when he died and mom had to deal with it alone for 20 mins. Pisses me off the whole point of me being there was to not make her deal with it.. Damn Dad he allways tried so hard to be inconveniant at times. Nother dumb thing to feel guilty about, he passed away the way he wanted to, at home. But could he have lived longer if I had stuck a foot down and said tough hospital time? Yea Yea YEA i know its what he wanted and all that, but still I feel guilty cause we could have prolonged things, course it was all quality of life... god damn it this song just sucks.. Ok one less Santana in the world... anyways, been thinking about Dad alot latly, some good some bad, but he sure was Him. Guess alot of the guilt is about the XGF, was damn hard to listen to her say she loved me and would never love anyone else on so forht..,. but I just thought of other things and said tough deal with it.Ohh time for a paragragh for Conney's sake
It all comes down to change, and frankly most change sucks. the future is one of those things that is both exciting and scary as hell at the sam etime. And it was hard fo rme to tell her to get stuffed, I have great hopes for the new gf and it shows great promise but (someone kill the guy who invented the word But, actually was probibly a woman) its one of those things fraught with peril... The NGF does not need me, she wants me and so forth, but she will/would live with out me.. the XGF I am not so sure about. Not that I am waffling cause I am not, but doubt is allways there.
God I am morbid tonite, time for some fun. OK got my new playtoy flashing away, controled lightning, what a concept. Ok new thought
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:43 PM 1 comment

Well its not very late but I can NOT keep my eyes open. Sigh. Had a wonderfull dinner of a can of Corn Chowda. I need to find a recipy so I can make my own in the crck pot. HEHEHE isnt that just a great name for an appliance that I ows. Crock Pot. hehe ok so I am easy to amuse, whats your point?. Dont think i mentioned on here but I did take the XGF to the cleaners. She keept the radio/cd player and the dogs.. and I took basically everything else. Sigh I miss my dogs. I went over there last night to lead her up to the barn and to grab a few things like the microwave... Brandy went NUTS and jsut was so sad and happy at the same time. Callie, though she really is cute is numb as a pounded thumb and is like oh Hi. But Brand really goes nuts.. Sigh, its NOT fair to take her away from callie. I repeat this over and over, therefore it must be true right? Ok enough feeling sorry for myself, time to as Mom would say "Buck up" Hmm where does an English lady get the term "buck up" but anyways.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:26 PM 3 comments

Ok were 95% done.. and WTF am I listening to.. im a moment of complete weekness or stupidity, I grabed a Santana cd. not they are bad, but when they are not good, they are really not good but nnot my normal musack. oh well its on random play next one should be better.. Anyways, brakes are done cept for cleaning up and bleeding the air out.. I need to people for that so I got to wait till someone is home. Hmm need two people for the clean up too, so I can sit and watch. Where is the gf when ya need her. Think Ill hop on CL and be obnoxious for a while or at least till I can feel my back again.
posted by Chuck Pierce 4:01 PM 0 comments

well one siode of the brakes went like a dream. The other side I am replaceing the cylander too so its a bit more of a pain, but its on, now just insal pads and I am done.. Takeing a break to let the cleaner evaporate.. stuff cant be good to breath.
posted by Chuck Pierce 3:35 PM 0 comments

Oh and before i go back to slaveing over the damn car, I am so proud I ordered a new bed yesterday. Being the upwardly mobile and so forth person I am I odered a Aero Bed As Seen On TV. I am so excited, I now have a lava lamp, a plasma round thing that has lighning all over it, a flying cow, and a blowup bed that inflates in under a minute.. WOOHOO BABY, what else could you want in life.. hmm someone to change these damn spark plugs? sigh back at it..
posted by Chuck Pierce 1:29 PM 2 comments

Specifically My time. Ok I think we can all agree that we only have a finite amount of time in this incarnation. So given that we only have a finite amount of time, the ways it is wasted boggles what little of a mind I still have. Ok I am not talking about going to the beach and watching the waves (though here is hint, they go out, they come back, repeat ad infanatum. See I just saved you a whole day watching) cause that is something you CHOOSE to do. Or even time that you have absolutly no control over, like getting your oil changed or waiting for a fem to do her makeup. What I am talking about is the time wasted every day by people with the brains of peanuts who are 3 from the left on the evolutionary chart.
For example (BTW this paragraph courtasy of Conney) lets consider the life of a toll keeper. Ok so job description, take money, give change, try not to pick your nose and flick it on the tourests. All you have to do, useing the York toll both in Maine for an example is for 90% of vehicles (passenger cars) take the money usually 2 dollar bills and give back 50 cents. Now I have made a study out of this and I assure you that most people just give 2 dollars and get 50 cents change. Yes some people want change, and some complete dipshits have to ask how to get to L.L. Beans, but most are perfectly satsfied to just get the transaction over with. So explain to me please, why these complete moron toll both keepers sometimes take over 2 minutes to do this. I shit you not. I am talking timed on a stopwatch 2 full minutes. First thing we MUST do is straighten the dollars so both faces point the same way. Then you must stick them CAREFULLY in the drawer and under the little dollar keeper bar. Then with infanate care you must count out 2 quarters, then recount to make sure. Then and ONLY then can you hit the little switch located up by your head to trigger the green light and then lean out the window and pass the change to the person in the car one quarter at a time.
Now lets discuss this, for one thing takeing 2 paper thingys and giveing back 2 metal thingys is not frigging rocket science. Yet these morons make in the upwards of 30$ an hour for this onerous task. I can forgive some things like putting the money under the bar, but wait till I pull out and you are just jacking off waiting for the next person. And after must inquireing I was able to asertain that they are in fact all unionised, so they have a great set of benifets also, nor can they be fired short of an act of God (insert diety of choice). But and here could be our salvation they can be trained. I have found that if you scream "Give me my fucking change you moron and do it NOW" at the very top of your lungs and makeing sure your face is beet red they can in fact learn to have the change in their hand as they reach for the dollar bills. I should qualify that in that MOST can be trained, some alas will never be able to understand the concept.
The basic jist that I have veered way off is what gives this moron the right to waste 2 minutes of MY life cause they can't count to two. Many Many Many of the things in this world that waste or time must just be endured, but some you can fix. So my charge for you today, is to pretend you are me just for a minute and don't accept the wasteing of your life sitting down. Put the car in park and leave it there in the center of the toll booth as you go complain to the manager. Get out of your car and explain to the flagger on the side of the road that waveing you through and holding a sign saying STOP at the same time is a really intersting concept that she should get consuling for, but to do it on her own time. Ignore the flashing blue lights behind you, if it really is important they will shoot out your tires. Put your fist through the time clock and leave a note saying you took "punch in time" liteally. Order a cd online so when they come to deliver it and your not home you can drive 25 miles past 15 musac stores to pick it up. Stand up for yourself and waste someone elses time in revenge for wasting yours. Or consider how much of your time I have just wasted makeing you read all this?
posted by Chuck Pierce 1:23 PM 4 comments

And for all the new people joining in do take a few days out of your life and read the archives.. WHOOHOO remembered what I was so pissed about.. Rant in the works.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:48 PM 0 comments

Oh and today we also have not only my Sister joining the group but my Mom also.. but don't worry rants will continue as before.fact I feel a big one building, I just cant remember waht it was about.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:45 PM 0 comments

Well don't this just suck. My basic problem is that I keep forgeting that just cause I can do something does not mean I SHOULD do something. Doing a tune up is a pain in the ass. Right now I am trying to remove a sparkplug wire from the back of the engine.. its just a frigging wire but it is NOT coming. I think I need a 2 ton come along and some chain to pull the SOB out. Christ. well I will get it eventually. but i keep remembering why it is so much easyer to pay someone else to get their hands dirty.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:44 PM 0 comments

Well my toilet is still broke.. It is leaking so you have to turn on the water flush then turn it back off. i could fix it in about 5 mins, but it is the landlords baby, and I am not gonna step on his toes. Might crap on his doorstep soon though. HHEHE Was giveing him crap about it this morning and he reminded me I have to pay the rent, so I guess I should goto the bank before I bitch anymore.
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:54 AM 3 comments

Well gonna be an interesting day. The NGF read all the stuff in the journal and didn't kill me.. so thats good. Got the divorce done and thats good. And to day I went out and got all the parts to rebuild my rear brakes and to do a tune up on the car.. so cool beans. Oh was mentioning the NGF cause she is posting now too and thats also cool. so now I am waiting for the car to cool down so I can go start to work on it.. I hate getting my hands dirty, but thats just cause I am the lazyest white man for 200 miles.. Hmm don't take the white man bit wrong, its just a saying. adn not a real good one now that I think of it.. ah well anyone object let me know.
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:43 AM 4 comments

YO Adrian,
an other day, and other braincell wasted for the common good of man. Yes world I am awake thank you for careing. Off down the yelllow brick road I go for the morning..
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:36 AM 10 comments

Sunday, August 12, 2001

Well I am now divorced. And it is both good and bad. Had a great day withthe NGF and got a new playtoy too.. but it has been a long weekend so I think I am gonna crash earl;y.. Night all
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:23 PM 0 comments

God damn explorer SUCKS.. the page looks like crap in it.. WTF is with microsoft they are the ONLY company in the world who tryes to fuck up everyone elses work. I refuse to redo the whole page just cause exploder can't figure out what size font 5 is. Jesus. i know it is faster but man it makes stuff look like crap
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:24 PM 0 comments

so far the day has not sucked to bad.. but it is gonna get worse soon I am sure. Spent the day with the NGF and we had a bit of fun. She read the journal here from front to back and didn't kill me.. so I feel better. She also didn't leave any commetns, but I have a feeling she will get into the spirt of the thing. Then we went out to lunch and had a nice meal.. And then i went and bought a new playtoy. woohoo baby. Got one of those neet round glass things that the plasma electricity shoots all over. Not the small round ball type but the big flat one that is sensitive to sound and so forth.. Allways wanted one so now I got one. And no the crap time comes.. Meeting the XGF and we are going to do the great split up. Basically devide all the stuff we have up in the barn. Sigh 11 years worth of our life toghether and were gonna spilt it up.. Not that I don't want to cause I do.. but it isnt gonna be fun. And of course I am gonna have to see the dogs again. Sigh I really get depressed when I see them. sigh
Oh and the archive link is screwed up.. everytime i publish it looses all the old links. wierd as hell.
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:16 PM 0 comments

Ok who is the moron useing NT to look on here.. I was playing with getting the stats to run and someone is useing NT.. Ok own up so we can all laugh at you...
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:02 AM 0 comments

Well progress is being made.. Woohoo baby. So please bookmark, change your links, or write it on the bathroom wall. The url is new and improved.
Only a few of the links are done yet, and I KNOW its ugly as hell... but progress is being made.So enjoy or hate or whatever makes ya happy..
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:01 AM 0 comments

Ok first post on the new side.. does it work?????
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:36 AM 0 comments

If you looked on this morning you might have noticed the new colors, getting ready to move it all.. woohoo.. so deal with it for now.. K?
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:00 AM 0 comments

Oh and my toilet was fixed.. Yea. course the moron (yes you) musta moved the bowl or somethig cause there is water all over the bathroom floor.. Sigh.Is it a leak or leftover.. sigh. If I delay long enough the NGF can clean it up.. yea right.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:36 AM 0 comments

What did the frog say after she laid a square egg. "ouch". That one is brought to you by the IF. God a 5 year old is alot to handle at 6:30 am. He really is a good kid but wow, I am still getting awake and he is running around for the fun of it. So it went well. She wasnt exactly jumping for joy, but she delt with it well.. I think she had guessed (course her saying , I guessed, helped this theory) already. I am not real good at hideing things I guess. Oh well. But no crying, no yelling, just a good converstaion about why it happened and why it shouldnt again.. And then we retired to the bedroom and I fell FAST asleep in about 2.8 seconds. Been a long weekend. still didnt sleep much there either, i just don't sleep well when its is light.. Or um there is any light. Shades on widowns just shade, they don't stop crap for light.. I like it DARK. Oh well. So the IF goes to see his father today and the NGF will be wandering this way I think. We should prob go out and do something but I will prob take a nap cause I am old and tired.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:35 AM 35 comments

Saturday, August 11, 2001

HELP. ok one of you web guru's who are better than me at this.. Here is the prob.. page with frames. journal will be in one frame.. BUT i post alot and you can't just refresh one frame. SO.. how do I do it so that everytime you hit the link on the side it refreshes the frame.. Useing golive 4 and assume Im a moron.. Gren feel FREE to just offer to do it for me. Or warf to for that matter... sigh.. the site in ? btw is
And the grand unvailing..


hard to remember huh.. very much in construction.. go tlike 45 mins in it so far, so dont expect much yet
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:48 PM 0 comments

Wel i am now worried. Being a man when I noticed a spider makeing a web in the bathroom, I didnt bother to kill it naa, I figured I would watch it.. Well i did, and he was getting nice and fat. But no we have a problem, the little buger took off. So, the question is, where the hell did he go???? Not good I am afraid.. sigh.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:11 PM 0 comments

Side note here, with 2 parts.. One is this.. I did get a new domain for here, and we will be moveing to it soon. But first I want to make the page and all that.. i think its gonna be a major upgrade.
And, you know how some tunes just work.. just stick in your head and make ya want to leap up and dance... well might I just say kudos to animal planet... I LOVE the theme to lonly planet.. like alot.. anyways. poof
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:02 PM 0 comments

Are you dead? nudge nudge.. Nope guess not.
Sigh I know like 1 in 50 people get my opening quotes some days, but hey I am happy.
Well worked all day yest. Sucked but I got through it. So tonite the NGF has asked me to come over.. After the IF goes to bed.. cool. But I think we got to have "the talk" sigh. She needs to know I have seen the xgf a few times and to know why, and most importantly to know it wont continue, Sigh. 50/50 on how it goes. I think she is gonna understand why it all happened and why I allowed it and not freek. But hell I have been wrong before. I could just hide it on her, but I am not gonna. She deserves to know and my resons for allowing it. So anyways, should be a fun night, the good news is that once I do tell her I am gonna let her read/find here. I know you fems especially have mixed emotions on me telling her, and thats fine. I do listen to other people but I make up my own mind and this I think is something I have to do. So we shall see. I am wiling to bet she will not exactly be happy but will be understanding and not hold it against me.. We have alot of history and niether of us were saints when we were young, so I think it will work out. As to her coming here, I have put alot of thought into it since dipshit mentioned it so I had to explain to her... and I think its going to be fine. But I am gonna make a pledge to all my loyal fans to not edit or change my way of thinking on here. I am not going to say things to make her happy or not upset her, but continue on my path of its me, deal with it. I am willing to bet she would not have it any other way...I give that one 75/25... So anyways we shall see.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:00 PM 23 comments

Friday, August 10, 2001

Lifs is too short to spend it in trafic. Anyways, I would not be good waiting the chances of me whiping out the SKS or the .45 and starting to inhume people are WAY to high. I try very hard in my life to above all not inconveniance other people..its just that simple. So don't go and get your self killed when I have to drive by there.. Ok? Not that I have no respect for the dead, hmm wait I don't have any respect for the dead, um ya see they are dead..So being dead, must they screw my life up also? Sigh anyways, I am off to babysit for the weekend. next instalment on sat night.. have a good weekend all, and try not to die on the highway I have to drive, Ok?
posted by Chuck Pierce 1:00 PM 0 comments

Ok today so far has sucked. Instead of my usuall 2.5 hrs work in the morn I was gone for 4.5 hours.. cause some moron killed himself on the turnpike.. Sigh, Ok it was a bad accident. Yes someone died. But its a friday in aug. that mean 12 million out of state weenies are pouring into the damn state at mach 6. So scrape him up and shove him in a bucket and lets get traffic moveing. God it was amazing, i know somepeople get into 1 hour traffic jams daily, but not me screw that
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:25 PM 0 comments

"Woke up this morning, this summers gone. Turned on some music to start my day"
Well got the new domain up. The really fun part is to see if I can move this stuff there without screwing it all up. But I think that will wait till I have some time. Gonna be a long start to the weekend... I should say thanks to all of you who read this, even though only a very small number post comments. I got bored and played with the logs last night and this place is getting a supriseing number of hits. I am feeling fairly guitly that the NGF knows about me haveing a journal up and yet not where it is.. she resents a bit the fact I talk to you all and myself like this and she is not a part.. Makes sence, I have not been talking to her alot about stuff I am working through. Figured I needed to "divorce" the XGF first. Maybe this weekend we can put some finality to it.. The only real thing we need to do is split up all of our stuff. Alot is still in storage and I am frnakly gonna take all the nice stuff, but she doesnt know it yet. Oh well time to hop in the shower and wake the fuck up.
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:31 AM 0 comments

Thursday, August 09, 2001

Christ people crack me up. Just for the fun of of it I have been checking up on all you.. My loyal fans. Looking at the logs for the last 5 days. And frankly they crack me up. The most fun is the wrong stuff people have typed in trying to find shit.. its a riot. everything from bonehead, to bugger, to bloodyhell,ngf and lots more. christ people are funny. Anyways I don't hide stuff, but god it must have been fun to look.. I am gonna go clean up the main folder anyways and maybe add some fun stuff tomarrow or somepoint so people can find it and be happy. HEHE ok back to roaming
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:05 PM 0 comments

god i am tired and old today. and very depressed. oh well was gonna make a new page, but screw it ill do it tomarrow.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:41 PM 0 comments

Well we might move this to its own domain.. I ordered one today.. and assuming i did it right..... which is about 50/50 we should move in afew days.. I will let ya all know.
posted by Chuck Pierce 3:28 PM 0 comments

Kink, Alot of people have emailed me and asked my opionions.. So here goes. All i ask is you read it all the way through before you start to flame me.
I think its pretty gross. I don't aopprove of homosexuality, bondage, perversions, s and m, or basically kink and all that. In fact everything that isnt pretty much mainstream. I have never ever had a hard time getting it up for a fem, and never needed chains or whips or anything at all to make everyone involved happy. I have never done 2 girls at once, and I think i could handle it no prob, but I have never really tried at all to find out. I have absolutly no interest in 2 guys and one girl. In fact I feel no need to see guys naked, I just does not interest me. OK so, all that being said, I should also add. I will defend to the death your right to do what ever you damn well please in your home. Frankly, as long as its not in my face then it is YOUr life and I do not nor shold I have any say about it. In public ther are times i think it goes to far. I do not like seeing to guys kissing walking down the street, but then I don't really like seeing a girl and a guy kissing either. I have no problem in going to a club and doing that stuff if thats what the club is about. Not saying you can't come into MY club, just if you do follow the crowd and don't try and shock me or what ever cause I don't care. So basically it all boils down to, I do not approve nor do I want to see it. But thats it.. period. if you are doing it where I can't see it then fine, be happy. I am definatly the result of my upbringing, upper mid class with HEAVY british overtones, I know it and I am in fact happy. I don't need to "try it you might like it" cause so far I have no complaints as is. But once again, as long as you don't rub my nose in it then I strongly believe you shol;d be happy to do what ever you want. it is the old maxim of whom are you hurting? 2 consenting adults? then why should it be ANY of my business. As to reading about it on places like nosuch.org. Well, funny, I am pretty sure I went there myself. If I HAD to see it then I might bitch, but it is a pravate space I am going to on my own volition so it is not up to me to place restrictions on its content. Frankly I just gloss over anything I do not want to know about. So last word is, In MY opion its wrong, but you have the right to be wrong as long as you don't make me watch.
Oh and btw, I also don't hold it against ya, hehe ask poor Tak.. lord knows I hit on her enough to prove that. hehe
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:13 AM 28 comments

Time is an illusion, Lunch time doubly so.

Well gonna be a fun day, I just broke my toilet.. sigh. what can go wronge from here??? I think we shall discuss Kink today.
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:00 AM 7 comments

Wednesday, August 08, 2001

Loveing something so much you let it go, hurts. Just fucking hurts. Noff said for the night
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:48 PM 0 comments

So as to why I don't have my dogs.. ok well Callie I bought for the XGF (like 600$ a pure choc with akc and all that) so even though she was bonded to me I did buy her for her. Ok I can see that, and of course the XGF is not real stable and needed the dogs so she didnt go insane.. Anyways Brandy, my baby is a old girl.. 12-13 by now and thats old for a large dog.. but she mothered callie from day one and they are a pair. I jsut couldnt take brandy and leave callie.. You know, hmm ok try this out, and this isnt even a usuall supper me rationalization, I loved my dogs.. I loved them so much that I gave them up so they could stay together and be happy. I think fighting over dogs and kids shows you dont really care enough. If you really cared you let them be where they will be best off. but god it hurts. Sorry to be so depressing today, but god. I think I could let a kid go easyer than my dogs. The fact I didnt see them for 2 months and didn't go insane scares me.. I think the insanity is just sitting there waiting to explode.
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:47 PM 0 comments

So anyways tonite I went over to the XGF's brandy new house. very nice, got a generator and a nice new rideing lawn mower and its is very nice now that thay added new floors and a great fenced yard for the dogs.. and what sucks is it should be mine. But it isnt, so I guess I just got to deal wioth it.. The really hard part is seeing my babies. God I miss the dogs. My dog was my whole life, she slept with me, drove with me, was allways with me. in the 11 years she was put in the kenel 2 times once for the england trip and once when we went down south for a week. Other than that she was allways at my side.. I could probably deal with the XGF'f family fucking up my life, but god I miss my dog so much I can sometimes barly not cry. And I am not um the crying type. Hell I am an emotional brick, I just don't seem to have the knack of major emotions, but ALL my love was poured into my dog. And it hurts so bad to leave her there. So why you ask do I leave her there? well, for one thing there is the puppy.. hmm pics anyone? let me check the link...ok well no link but type it in...http://globe.cc/callie/ That has pics of me, the Xgf. Brandy my shep collie mix, Champy our old lasa apso who passed away a while ago.. And the puppy.. Callie.. The puppy who had slept with me for every day since we got her till all this. and so on and so on.. a dogs devotion is just, hmm it just IS. there are no butts or maybe's. fuck life sucks
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:41 PM 0 comments

What a friging day. I don't even know where to start. Sigh. worked this afternoon, hmm forget it Ill just talk about last night and tonite. Well the Xgf came over last night we went over some stuff and she basically almost begged. Sigh. I really owe it to myself to be with someone who will be there when the cards are down. But, and damn it its a big ass but. Ok she loves me and is devoted to me.. ok fine she is not really good for me, but its at least predictable.. And then we factor in the NGF. and man really at this point I don't know how things could be going better, but still it could explode tomarrow.. Ya know? I think we can be happy forever and all that, but its way to soon to KNOW. Sigh I hate this crap.
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:33 PM 0 comments

Only you can prevent yourself from being a moron.
Shame I am not as good at that as I should be. I really need to grow a backbone. The XGF came over last night and we got some issues settled.. but sigh. I got to work on "JUST SAY NO"
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:16 AM 0 comments

Tuesday, August 07, 2001

Did you all hear about the court case that got kicked out today? in Calif of course... was a suit basically to sue the gun manufacturs cause people killed other people with guns they had made.. Unreal I cant BELIEVE it was kicked out.. I mean the question we should all be asking is how the hell did it even get that far? Thats like sueing Ford cause the trucks are so big trhey kill 20 people if you drive into a crowd at 60 MPH rather than 10. Christ. Someone shoot these morons please.
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:27 PM 5 comments

GodDAMN it. I nearly just choked to death on a kleenex. Ok so they do not belong in your mouth, yea I knew that. The prob is I still have this damn cold.. And once in a while I grab one to blow my nose, breath in to blow and the kleenex gets sucked in.. Sounds funny but I could have died.. and who would be laughing then?
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:18 PM 6 comments

Well off to go look at yet an other apartment. Sigh. I am thinking more and more that I dont know if I want to live in a complex. The only beifet is haveing no one upstars from you and do i really give a crap? Sigh. I miss my house.
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:59 PM 0 comments

Well day #1 of the great partment search is over. Sigh. I don't think I can really describe how much this completly and absolutly fucking sucks dead donkey dicks. For one small factor. it is NO ones damn busness how much I make in a year. Period. And for some reason they get uncomfortable when they ask you and you say "what did YOU make". No one has any damn right to ask me what my income is. Sighg. Well looking at one in a complex.. sigh a few new ones today so I guess I have MORE calls to make.Sigh
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:31 PM 12 comments

Isnt it interesting but the trend on here is people comment usually on the short blerbs, not the large once.. Wierd. Well I have to go look at a house in 30 mins and im hot and tired and i think im gonna pop a fast shower.. pooof
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:50 AM 7 comments

To sleep, Perchance to dream.
Well I think it must be the cold drugs but I have been haveing some wierd ass dreams latly. Lets see last nights involved a snowmoble and a horse and raceing the 2 accross ice. The Bitch but she wa the size of the instant family (5) no ngf or xgf but lots of other diverce cast of characters.. anyways it was wierd. I usually don't dream much, its actually a nice rellief when I do cause it shows that I do in fact have an imagination buried somewhere deep. Are dreams breif openings into our soul? Is it our subconsous screaming to be let out? naa I think it was the advil cold stuff and the nyquil, got to love the big Q baby.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:16 AM 16 comments

Monday, August 06, 2001

Well long afternoon. Called and set up 3-4 apointments to see apartments tomarrow.. Oh yea. Then me and the land lord went and grabed my tractor and brought it down here. the engine needs a major overhaul so that should be fun and keep me occupied for a few days I would think.. Oh yea. Had fun though went out for dinner on the way and their little 1 year old daughter is cute as can be. Got back way late though so think I am gonna crash. Hope everyone else had as busy a day as I did.
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:23 PM 0 comments

"Women Suck", Well actually only some women suck. hmm reread that, see how many different meaning you can come up with. So you are asking yourself, Why am I against women today. Well the answer is very easy. I'm not. Just thought I would cover this topic when I wasn't twisting off about something. But now that I went to all this effort, i don't know if I can really get into the subject. Frnakly I am lucky to have surrounded myself with some wonderfull women. Me and the NGF really had fun this weekend and not a nasty word or look was passed. We had a GOOD time. So naturally I can only assume something bad will soon happen. The landlord is working on htis front yard. Quiet amuseing we think radically different in both the best way to do something and how to do it. Its actually very amusing to me, most people I know an spend time with (and just WTF does this say about me) usually defer anything tricky to my opionion. Not allways mind you, but the fact is that I simple have way to much useless crap about building decks and planting flowers in my head. But the landlord is a different matter, Not that we disagree loudly or anything, i usually try to not give my ideas when they are 90 deg off his. He is a very capable person but he does fail (all of you who know me well stop laughing) sometimes to think ahead very far. It is so amusing to me that the things i consider completly irrelivent and unimportant are often the most important things to him. Ill give an example...We/he just redid a porch. Ok basic porch nothing fancy. But when it came time to fasten the decking down he came up with these fastener thingys.. now they attach underneath and the idea is so you have no nail or screw holes on the decking.. Ok now in Maine this is not a bad plan cause shoveling snow off a deck with nails sticking up sucks. But might I add this. 1. He is about to build a new house and rent this one out. Who cares if other people have to shovel the damn deck, let them deal with it. 2. Useing nails or decks screws takes aprx 30 secs pur board. The fastners he is useing now are 2-3 mins per fastner.. so one on every joist.. end result a long ass time to do. 3. You end up not only buying more nails to do the fastners than you would deck nails, but you have to pre drill every hole. 4. The job looks a tiny bit neater, but who really looks at a deck and says "look Mommey they used nails.. yuck" And withthe time.effort, and cash you saved just nailing em down you can afford to come and tap each one every fall for the next 20 years. Anyways, the point is he does not do things WRONG he just does em differnt. and its very amusing at times. And lord knows I should never be the one to tell someone to finish one job before they start an other, but, um... just finish ONE of the 30 odd jobs you have going. Sigh anyways, wow went from women to my poor landlord getting trounced.. that wasnt very nice of me.. Oh well. deal with it.
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:51 AM 0 comments

Sunday, August 05, 2001

Anyways, the big problem with baseball games is that people bring children to them. And the big problem with children, other than the 2.3459 second attention span is thet they are in fact not raised in barrells and that they have voices. I do like kids, just not 1.6 million of them running around screaming at the tops of their lungs for no reason. I don't like it when a kid sits behind me and kicks my chair for 5 mins till I have to turn around and explain what life is like when you have no fucking feet. I don't like haveing popcorn spilled on me and soda on my shoes cause parents have tought the rodents to sit down and shut up. And the real worse part was we were in box seats, not in the general public mass hell seats. So basically if you have children, and they pay no attention to you at all, and raise hell in public might I suggest the tried and true barrel method. Stick the kid in a barrel feed through the bung hole. When it reaches 18 either let it out or drive the bung home. But really, lets face it most of the people out there should not be reproducing, defintly myself included... The instant family is really good, and wow does he listen, but most kids just suck. And you know its not usually the kids fault, its the moron parents. Now I rased ALOT of hell when I was young. I mean they redid the whole school system after I left, himm or should I say rebuilt.. But I never acted out in front of my folks. If we went shopping or whatever or vacation acting out in front of my folks was sucidal. I am talking its belt time, right here, right now. And you know you do in fact learn from your mistakes. So the end result is, I guess, that it is in fact ALOT harder to adopt a dog at the local animal shelter even though they are gonna kill it in a few days than it is to get 3 squeeling brats running around underfoot. Don't believe me? try to got resqu a dog. If you dont have a certian sixed yard, have someone planning on being with it 24 hrs a day and so forth they just say no, or at least they do up here. I think the main reason the instant family is so good is that the NGF's mom watches him all day. And she don't put up with alot. Anyways we had a good time at the Bos Mus of Science. and the kid was real good , and the ngf and I held hands and crap.. Was very touching. Was a really good day and ended pretty damn perfect too since he drops out like a light in the car and I drove home... So anyways time for bed I think, Nice to see perk found the blog from hell here, tomarrow Ill go through the archives and see if anything new has been posted.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:50 PM 0 comments

Children should be seen but not heard.-My Mom. Kids, ya know. Sometimes they can really be a a pain in the ass. I actually like house monkeys for the most part. But there are times and places. Now I should start right off and say this is not all children. I am lucky enough to be surronded by some wonderfull rug rats who are very well behaved. The landlords 9 year old is a wonder at times, they are SO worried (and righfully so) that some of me will rub off on him. The instant fmaily is all in many ways a wonder kid. He cracks me up in that when in the car he speeks VERY rarly. he mostly just goes to sleep .. poof. But wow out side the car you need a gag and or a baseball bat to get him to stop talking. He has "sensory issues" the NGF says, NFC wTF that is supposed to mean , but wow does he banter on non stop. But at 5 you are allowed some leeway. Now last night went to a baseball game.. Wont even mention how after the whole game the other team won it in the last 5 mins after we were walking to the car.. Sigh. But I want to discuss kids. I came SO CLOSE to going and buying a bat and wacking some.. CRAP the NGF is here and were going to the Boston museum of science.. POOOF Ill fnish later.
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:07 AM 0 comments

Saturday, August 04, 2001

It is a Sat so I don't have the energy for a qoute. Doing a quick pit stop tween working and going to a baseball game. Shit Shower And shave, cept I am on a shaveing strike for a few weeks. So anyways long ass weekend about the only highlight was I saw Brother Where Art Thou. and frankly I liked it. Once again I expected a moveie to really frigging suck and it was actaully quite good. Not worth 8$ to see but to rent? yea well worth it . I would classifie as solid entertainment. So now I am off to a Baseball game. The Portland Sea Dogs in case anyone cares...Me and the NGF and the instant family.. should be fun I hop. We have box seat so we wont have to deal with you common people. Was gonna invite Thadius form CL but realised I only have his email not a phone # so not really enough time to get in touch with him. Assumeing of course he is not like me and checks his email every 5 mins. I tend to either be in touch, and EASY to find or completly out of touch. no middle ground. Comes in handy at times. Hell you can not only send email to my phone, I can even respond.. isnt that just nuts? Anyways.. tomarrow think gonna start the house hunt. Had a nice talk withthe NGF and I think I have really made it clear why I need to be alone a tad longer.. Not easy to get accross when you still expect to get laid regularly... I am kinda looking forward to geting things completly done with withthe XGF. It is gonna be hard to do it with out screwing her up any more than she is, but I think I need to. Couse if I do mess up she will prob take out a contract on my life.. Sigh. I really need an overseas fem to screw up my life just a tad more. heheh NOT. Ok well time to get ready.. Gonna be a long day tomarrow to but I am sure I will write about it.
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:35 PM 4 comments

Friday, August 03, 2001

Well Ia m off to a day and or weekend of work and play. Going to watch over the guy in auburn till sat afternnon and then supposed to be going to a baseball game with the NGHF and instant family. It is frigigng hot and I am not haveing fun, but thats ok. So will be a quiet weekend on here I am afraid to say. But if oyur nes feel free to roam back throuhh the archive.. if you have read it all before then go read comments and feel fre to add. Enjoy your weekend.. or at least get through it,.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:37 PM 0 comments

Everything to exess, moderation is for monks.
Ona side note 20 pts to anyone who knows who the last 2 days opening lines were blatently stolen from. Well still stick and not alot of sleep, its hot and I am just not a happy camper. Sigh. Stayed up to late playing a dumbass game on the comp. Age of empire I think it was called.. Its not even new, but I just grabed a copy and I am a real sucker for a new game. Course I am about 10 hours form mastering it and then it will be tossed. It takes alot for a game to hold my interest after I beat it. I had a really great rant building last night, but NFC what it was about. Went to sleep on it and it musta walked away. I don't even remember the subject. Oh well I am sure somethign else will pop up.
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:57 AM 7 comments

Thursday, August 02, 2001

Well just got a rare but welcome call form my Mom. She just bashed the car up a bit.. sigh, we had a long discussion about not trying to move cars to make a parking space.. its all my fault I should not have bought her a new car before I left. Dad allways did all the driveing, and while I was down with her I did it all. And she didnt even get her drivers license till prob 15 years ago.. so she really hasn't driven much. But I had to explain that if you really need to push a car to make a space dont try and push a giant delivery truck withthe metal bumber.. sigh, She just put a crease in the front grill of the windstar but Ill bet its 1.5k to fix. Oh well she can afford to make mistakes, but it is annoying. I am now endevoring to fix up an old comp for the NGF. got a few 100 lieing arouns so I might as well. Grabbed a 7100/80 from the pile. Course somehow I grabbed the only one with out a cdrom.. No clue how I did that. But all she wants to do is send email and chat with me..So it should be fine. So back to the fun job of setting it up I go.. ye ha..
posted by Chuck Pierce 1:51 PM 0 comments

Damn I am only worth "You are worth exactly: $3,090,290.00" Go try for your self...http://www.humanforsale.com . Quite amusing... Well a aqantance more a friend of a friend got arrested last night for being a COMPLETE moron.. Not for doing anything overly dangerous to people but for talking about stuff he had done. There is a time and a place people, and if a Cop ever asks you a ? that a Yes would be admiting to breaking the law, you do NOT have to answer with out consel..So basically the best thing to do around cops is to keep your mouth shut. hehe I am just so good at that too. I once was quiet for a whole 5 mins..I think. Anyways the guy is in serious shit and all that. Nothing really bad just really fucking dumb as hell. Of course he could go away for 5 years so it aint good.Anyway that to qoute Arlo Guthrie thats not what I am here to talk about. Imagine a good friend of your does something nonviolnt but really dumb. No one is hurt and all that just a really dumb thing and tells the wrong person and gets arrested, and has 5k bail or 25k bond. Would you put up your house to get him out? Another frind of mine did and it just boggles my mind. Ok yea you will get it back assumeing he is there for the court date, but would you risk your house on it? The fact he did is just mind boggleing to me and I can't say how much it impressed me. Was in my opinion just a very very cool thing do do for a friend. And don't know if I could have, were not talking a small thing here, a house is a big thing. Well anyways, Niether of them read this but it just really impressed me. What about you, are your friends worth maybe loosing your house?
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:49 AM 9 comments

BTW on the subject of how I am feeling.. Don't ask. Was feeling pretty good last night at bed time but woke up coughing at 3 and was up for a few hours. My nose is still running but the crap coming out isnt bright yellow anymore so I think there is progress being made. Been meaning to mention the NGF brought me over some kleenex the other day, cause being a male I of course didn't own any. I was actually getting amused, I was wondering if I might actually finish a roll of TP before I put it on the roller. I am not nearly as anal as my GWM friend Jacko (Ill give ya that one.. Gay White Male) who is a tad anal about stuff like that, But niether am I as bad as Steveo who I don't believe has ever figured out how to put the toilet paper on a roll. But I do usually get around to it well before it gets down to the end.. but been blowing my nose so much it was in danger of running out before I had instaled it. Well the reason this came to mind is I took the plunge this morning and put it on the roller thingy. hmmm that thingymabob needs a name don't it. Ill bet it has one that I have never bothered to learn, or my wonderfull selective memory has edited out....
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:04 AM 2 comments

Oh and i should add my devotion to Bloging this morn.. the nameserver address is wrong this moring.. hehe so I had to get tricky to find it. DNS routing is going to but the ip for the web server is I think...
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:41 AM 0 comments

Butterflies and little girls need no escuse. Thats for those of you with small children at home that do random things.
Was standing out side last night haveing a cig, and it occured to me, you can tell the temperture by the chirp of a cricket. It very easy you count the chirps from one cricket in a minute, multiply by 3562, divide by 5734, Add 14 and then ask the guy next to you who has a thermometer on his coat. No really you can tell it by the chirp, but what I have allways wondered is how do you go around and exterminate all the other damn crikets. The only time you only hear one cricket is at 3 am when you are trying to sleep and the bastard is under your bed. when you are al-la natuaerel there are allways a 100 of the little buggers chatting at once. And anyone who goes to all the effort to catch one just to carry with him to tell the temperature needs to seriously consider geting a real life. Oh and for those of you who do want to try this, in my ever so humble an opinion the best way to remove all the other crikets in the area is a 12 guage with #8 shot... works like a dandy as long as the wifey never liked the landscaping...
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:39 AM 0 comments

Wednesday, August 01, 2001

Well BEing the usuall complete moron that I am I was chatting withthe landlord, who is a really good friend, and i mentioned the blog.. So I told him how to find it and then had a mament of complete panic wondering what I said about them on here.. But I don't think I said anything to bad and if so, deal with it. SO anyways I think I am gona continue my policy of saying what I want and leting other folks just deal with it. Well I forgot to call the NGF tonite. She is getting a tad clingy, and I know thats cause she cares. But it should not bug me and it does a bit. So I guess I will have to work it out.. She also sent me an email today about how much she wants more kids.. wow there is a panic attack waitng to happen. I have to put some serious thought into is the world ready for another me.. in a smaller and continueing sence. Very scary stuff.
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:13 PM 6 comments

Oh and those of you who know me.. sit down.. With my dinner I am going to have a cup of tea. I bought some red zinger the other day... I grew up in an English household where tea was servered with all meals, so naturally I hate the shit. In fact I think I spent a month in England last year with out haveing a single cup. But WTF I feel like it so deal with it.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:01 PM 2 comments

Well as I sit down to an exciting dinner consisting of I think Chix and garlic Rice A Roni...I am reminded that getting a cold in July really fucking SUCKS. I think it has progresses into a sinus infection. Jesus this is all I need. Anyways enough Moaning about me... Hm can we ever have enough of that? Yea I guess so.. Well the great apartment hunt is about to start. I will be looking for aplace for me and my buddy Steveo. Jacko might join us but only if it meets certain req of his. And since he has a dog I doubt we will find a place. Thouhg I have to admit his dog is mostly furnature anyways. Got all the affection of a pair of bunny slippers. But since me and Steveo both actually have an income I think were gonna look for a nice place.. Course Steveo don't care, he lived in a bedroom with no windows for like 3 years, he is pretty oblivious to surrondings. But I care, so its got to be somewhere quiet. Don't think I am gonna move in withthe NGF now, we talked about it and she was all for it, but I think luckly it didn't work that we could find a place in the town she wanted to stay in.(her son's in school). I think thats a good thing. Don't get me wrong I think were gonna make it, but I think slow is good. And anyways as long as I get laid regularly who cares.. Right guys? heheh just jokeing fems. But slow is good and with a 5 year old involved it is gonna be a while before I am ready. OK well its MTV'S 20 th aniv,, woohoo.. ok so I don't care but thought I would toss it out.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:57 PM 0 comments

Well I did get some sleep last night.. Not alot but some so I am feeling a little better. Nothing else really going on. I don't have the energy right now to do a rant, and I am gonna go work this afternoon so maybe tomarrow Ill feel up to it.
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:49 AM 0 comments

I decided to take the morning off cause the little voice in my head said stay home and clean the guns.
I hate it when it does that.

Yes that is a joke, but the tourists get to be real annoying here in summer and I still have a cold. Once again I could not sleep last night. Hoped on CL and played for 20 mins.. My healer all most passed 4th which was cool but I found out we had forgoten to enter her into the Rat Bastards clan..opps... so we did. And Eijo,Bav, and Snow were on.. Found out Eijo and Bav are getting Married.. Cool Beans. Happy for ya. Yet one more cute fem being taken off the roles.. sigh. oh well I got to many now. On that note... Last month the NGF went slightly whacky for a few days. I mean nutso.. But this month she was fine... which is good cause she freaked me out last month. I have been sick as a dog for a few days now and she has been mega cool at bringing me food and crap and being supportive. I think I am gonna have to keep this one. No but really things are actually looking up. I was mega depressed about seeing the dogs yest. But the XGF is gone for a week and so shouldnt have to deal with her at all. And I think the NGF is gonna be a keeper. Course lets see if she looses a gasket next month when that time comes around. All in all I think I am feeling better. But on a 100 scale Im up to like 30 now. Course exersize prob wouldnt hurt...Naa why ruin my lazy mood when I am so good at it. I also havnt shaved since MWNY so I am begining to look scruffy.. hehe ok I AM looking scruffy. But luckly I am a guy so I never have to look in the mirror.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:22 AM 24 comments

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